
Boston Terrier - The Costs Of Owning A Boston Terrier

Having a dog is a little like having a baby. Before you rush out to the nearest breeder or shelter you must consider the costs of ensuring that your new pet remains contented and happy with his home life.

Cost not only refers to finances but to your time as well. You should remember that Boston Terriers are animals that thrive on attention and need regular exercise. If your plan is to tie your dog up outside and only go out to give him food and water, then forget it! This is not the dog for you! If you are incapable, for whatever reason, of taking part in physical activity, then a Boston Terrier is a very bad idea.

Below, you will find some points to consider before you decide upon getting a Boston Terrier:

Financial Implications:

Your terrier will require regular vaccinations and booster, which can be quite expensive.

Your terrier may need regular health checks and/or treatment for illnesses, which can also be very expensive.

You will need to purchase a variety of items for your dog, such as bedding, toys, bowls, leash, collar, grooming items, pet carrier, and crate.

The costs of buying food for your terrier can mount up. He will basically be an extra mouth to feed.

You may incur fees such as: training, boarding kennels if you are going away, and grooming.

Time Implications:

Boston Terriers need a lot of attention. You will need to provide this, no matter how busy you are.

They also need regular exercise. You will have to put aside time to get involved with play and take your dog for walks every day.

Your Boston Terrier will need training. Whether you do this yourself or take him along to professional classes, you will need to dedicate your time to helping him and practising his training.

He will require regular grooming to ensure good health. Again, this can be time consuming.

Bearing in mind the above main points you should have a clear idea of whether this dog is the right one for you.

Abhik Sarkar is the author of an invaluable resource for both new and current Boston Terrier owners -

You can also sign up for an 8 part email course on this special breed by sending a blank email to



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