
10 Reasons Why Your Cat Loves You

There are plenty of reasons why your cat loves you. Ten of the main reasons are listed below. Enjoy!

1. You provide food - Cats love food and they love you for giving them that food. If it wasn't for you, they'd go hungry, and of course, if it wasn't for you, they wouldn't get those tasty scraps of meat after a meal. Those crunchy little biscuits aren't half bad either.

2. You clean the litter tray - You always keep their bathroom area very clean. After all, cats are very clean animals, and they're very appreciative of the work you do in cleaning out their litter tray, as well as the area around it. Poor things, they can't help spraying litter all over the floor!

3. You are a great companion - You're always there to play with them, whether it be with a piece of string or with a toy mouse which looks so amazingly real yet it magically comes back to life every time its head has just been chewed on for five minutes by your cat!

4. You're comfortable to sit (and sleep) on - On those cold dark evenings, you're always there to be sat on and nuzzled into. You're so warm compared to some of the places they could sleep, and the gap between your knees makes a great paw warmer!

5. You provide shelter - They have a whole house to themselves thanks to you. While it's raining outside they can cheerfully look out the window at all the other poor animals that have to put up with the rain. There's always a corner in your house where they can curl up and go to sleep as well. Luxury!

6. You're bigger than any dog - You're (almost) always there to fend off any nasty big dogs that could eat them whole and they appreciate this greatly. Especially at the vets when a huge hairy dog is eyeing them up, they know that you're behind them so they'll be safe.

7. You always know where to scratch - Whether it's behind the ears, under the chin, or on their stomach, cats just love the way you always scratch, stroke, and pet them. Its one of the things they love most, and they love you for it, and when you get that special brush out, it's just the best thing in the world!

8. You always talk back - Whenever they meow, you always give a consoling reply either in native cat language by meowing back, or by saying something in a high pitched voice that only babies would understand!

9. You provide things to claw - Whether it is furniture, carpet, or a delicate set of curtains, there's always something for your cat to get their claws into. What would they do without all the clawing material you provide...? It's possible that they might consider using the specially designed scratch post that you bought for them.

10. You love them - The greatest reason of all, which encompasses all those mentioned above. They love you because you love them.

Well, those were ten of the main reasons your cat loves you. I'm sure you related to most, if not all, of them. Rest assured, your cat does love you, because they couldn't live without you, just as you couldn't live without them!

About The Author

Larry Chamberlain is a lifelong cat lover and webmaster of Cat art posters, art prints, cat calendars and cat collectibles. Great cat gifts for yoursellf or your cat loving friends Cat Lover Gift.



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