
Puppy Vaccines Assure Wagging Tails and Wet Noses

When you get a new puppy it is imperative that he receive all his proper puppy vaccines. These protect him from getting diseases if he becomes exposed to them.

When the pet doctor injects a vaccine into your puppy, it "teaches" the pup's immune system what a disease organism looks like. But the vaccine contains only weak or dead versions of the organism, so the puppy's immune system learns to recognize it, but without the danger of serious infection.

Later in life, if the organism ever attacks, the puppy's immune system is already prepared to fight it off because of the vaccine.

When a puppy receives a puppy vaccine, his body forms antibodies that can fight that particular disease. With the antibody already in the puppy's system, it will have a better chance of fighting off the infection.

Puppies should receive their puppy vaccines beginning when they are under the age of four months. Your vet will know which vaccines to give, and in what order.

It's also important to give booster shots. These keep the puppy vaccines current. You need to do this so that your puppy's immunity continues to be strong. Some vets have a reminder system, and will phone you or send out a postcard to let you know when it's time for booster shots. However, it's good if you also keep your own records of all shots, medical treatments and puppy vaccines, so you'll know when it's time.

If you have questions about the puppy vaccines, be sure to ask your vet for more information. Your vet will know which vaccines your puppy should receive, no matter when or where you purchased or adopted your pet. When you adopt or purchase a puppy, remember to ask if he has received any of the puppy vaccines. Some breeders and pet shelters are very responsible and make sure that the first puppy vaccines have already been given.

It's also important to keep in mind that giving puppy vaccines is not successful 100% of the time. Some puppies have weaker immune systems. This means that a puppy can come down sick with a disease even if he has received all the proper puppy vaccines at all the right times. If your puppy seems to be ill, even if he has received all his vaccines, don't hesitate to contact your vet.

It is very important for the health of your puppy that, in addition to receiving all his puppy vaccines, you also need to keep a careful eye on how your puppy is feeling and acting.

This will help you keep your pet alive, healthy and happy for many years to come.
Learn great ways to use puppy toys for training and socializing your new pup. Make sure you're on the right track wnen training your dog. Also, go and get the free eBook of puppy coloring pages for your kids.



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