
Brushing Up On Dog Grooming

Is your dog due for a makeover? Has she been enjoying the great outdoors a little too much? Here are some simple tips for helping your dog put her best paw forward.

It all begins with the brushing:

- Brush your dog regularly. Daily is best. Be sure to also

brush against hair growth direction to check for fleas and


- The right tools. For short-haired dogs, most groomers

recommend stainless-steel combs because they slide through

coats very easily.

For medium to long haired dogs start with a slicker brush and

then follow with a stainless steel comb.

In hot months consider investing in a flea comb to make sure

your dog has not become a flea hotel.

To make your dog's coat really shine, finish with a soft

bristle brush.

- If your dog hates being brushed it sometimes helps to brush

after play time. Start by brushing in the hair growth

direction. When you are finished, reward your dog with a

treat. Each day brush your dog a little longer. And if you

are lucky, your dog may even begin to like being brushed.

Now for the bath:

- Brush your dog from head to toe making sure all mats are gone.

For small dogs a sink works great. For medium to large dogs,

a tub or shower works best. Use only warm water and a good

shampoo made for dogs. People shampoo is too harsh and can

irritate your dog's skin. Most groomers recommend working

from the back end forward, lathering the head last.

- Rinse, rinse, and rinse again to make sure you have removed

all shampoo.

- Short-haired dogs dry quickly and only need to be dried off

with a towel. If your dog has long hair, you may need to

brush him while he's drying to avoid tangles.

The Grand Finale:

- Finish by giving your dog a treat.

- Then celebrate! You and your dog survived the bath, and you

have a clean dog.

Margaret Svete, best-selling author, television and radio personality, and dog rescuer helps dog owners discover easy dog care tips. Subscribe to the premiere dog care ezine, The Dog Enquirer, at



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