
Comparison of the Cost and Effectiveness of Holistic Horse Care versus Conventional Care

After years of practicing both conventional and holistic medicine for horses, I decided to compare the cost, effectiveness, and net results of managing and treating horses holistically versus conventionally.

In this article I compare results for the average trail horse that is ridden about 2-3 times a week. I have used average feed and veterinary costs for my area (Austin, Texas), and drug and supplement costs from a major horse supply catalog.

I then discuss the issues related to each area of care, including feed, supplements, vaccines, dewormers, and first aid. Stay tuned for different profiles in coming months, when I will compare horses in different disciplines, young horses, older horses, and broodmares.

>>> Holistic Horse
Conventional Horse



Syrian vs. Dwarf Hamsters, What Should I Get For My Family?
As pets go hamsters are fairly easy to take care of. Hamsters require no walking, are not particularly dirty or stinky, they are small and don't take up much space and are generally inexpensive.
Ears Stand Corrected: Cosmetic Surgery and Pets
Are you irritated by your dog's drooping ears or your kitty's tail which is capable of sweaping off a coffee table in a mere second? Is your puppy being too loud and your Calico scratching a bit too much? In our society, there are so many cosmetic procedures that have the capability of transforming our pets into the best citizens of their kind, into members of other breeds or into denizens of imaginary breeds.Some could even say that these cosmetic surgeries enhance the overall quality of a pet's life while others could possibly state that these procedures are mean-spirited, ego driven and more for the benefit of the pet owners than for the pets well being.
Is Your Dog In Pain Without You Realising?
A dog that is feeling pain can often be highly unpredictable. When you handle a dog in that you suspect to be in pain, you should always proceed with great care.
Does Your Dog Have Allergies?
Many people don't realize that their dogs, just like human beings, can suffer from allergies. In fact, about twenty percent of the dogs in the United States alone suffer from one allergy or another, with flea allergy dermatitis being the most common form of allergies in dogs.
The Positve Benefits of Dog Day Care
Dog day care programs benefit the dogs of owner's who have busy lives and are not able to socialize and exercise their dogs. Owners benefit from a guilt free day of work or play and can come home to a calm, relaxed pet.
Choose an Acrylic Bird Cage
Congratulations. You've decided to buy a bird, and you even know what kind.
Are You Really Ready For a Boxer Dog?
The answer is "no" if you are the type who mostly leave your dog on a chain. Boxers require much of your love, attention and companionship although they are easy to take care of.
Lemon Tetra - A Perfect Addition for Your Community Aquarium
Lemon TetraGlassily transparent, the lemon tetra (hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis) could appear to be just a sunbeam flashing through your community tank if not for background elements like plants and driftwood. Another member of the large characin clan, the lemon tetra has a fairly elongated body like its smaller relative the neon tetra and like neons and other characins, the lemon tetra does best if kept in small schools of six to eight fish.
Dog Boutiques - Perfect Pampering for Your Pooch!
Believe it or not boutiques for dogs are everywhere. Nowadays, pampering your dog is just as important as pampering yourself.
Grieving Our Pets Death
Our pets give us so much. They entertain us, listen to our secrets, and give us unconditional love.
7 Tips To Keep Your Pet Safe On Halloween

Three Important Litter Box Considerations
There are three important litter box considerations to account for whether you're a new kitten owner, or someone who has had a cat for a while. If kitty isn't happy with any or all three of these, you may find she'll start urinating outside the box.
Dog Health Conditions and Terms You Should Know...
Some Dogs like Boxers unfortunately, are prone to several potential health problems such as:- Skin allergy- Food allergy- Cancer- Hip dysphasia- Bloat- Heart ailments- Hypothyroidism- Fleas- WormsKnowing what they are will help you to better monitor your pet's health and to gather the pertinent information, in case of an illness, that would assist your veterinarian to administer the correct diagnosis and treatment. Below are some common afflictions of Boxers.
Price of Unconditional Love
Why is it that cats get no respect? Are they really the Rodney Dangerfield of the animal world? Dogs get the esteemed title of "Man's Best Friend," while the domestic felines seem to be bastardized as temperamental annoyances. Sure, they can be finicky creatures, as I've heard numerous complaints over the years from guy friends that they have had to pass the "cat test" before getting any play from the female owners they are pursuing.
Telepathic Communication With Animals
Animal Communication, or telepathy with animals, is as common an occurrence in some people's lives as it is an oddity in the lives of others. Telepathy is an energetic exchange between two sentient beings for the purpose of communication.
Things You Should Never Feed Your Dog
Sadly, there are several household items which we tend to take for granted that are potentially very hazardous to your dog's health. It is especially important to be aware of this because as you know, dogs are very much scavengers and will often eat whatever they can sink their fangs into.
The Different Breeds Of Dogs
The American Kennel Club recognizes 150 different dog breeds. There are seven different groups in which the dog can belong.
How to Care for Your Kitten
Caring for a kitten is a lot of work. With her high energy and intense curiosity and sense of adventure, raising a kitten will keep you on your toes.
Crate Training Tips: How to Crate Train Your Dog
A crate is a valuable and useful training tool. Its main purpose is to provide security, safety and protection for short term confinement while training a puppy or new dog about its own and house boundaries.
So You Want To Own A Ferret?
You've seen them in movies and on TV shows, and the local pet store usually has some for sale. They seem to be intelligent and cuddly.