
Crate Training Your Puppy or Dog

Introducing your puppy to the crate should be an easy and fun process. First, start by putting the crate somewhere the puppy enjoys being. Try the family room or wherever everyone "hangs out". Open the door and just let your puppy explore at his own pace. Reward him for going near it by tossing a cheerio or some other small treat.

To teach the words "kennel" (I use go to bed) Just toss in a treat and say the word. Don't shut the door everytime.

Never shove your dog in a crate. Your dog will quickly learn that kennel means get in your crate.

If your dog doesn't go in after the cookie, then toss it closer and closer until your dog does go in. Then let him come out on his own.

You dont want your puppy to learn that everytime you say it you mean you are going to be leaving him. Otherwise he might avoid getting in!

You can also feed your dog in their kennel. If everytime you reward them for going in, they will begin to enjoy it and have a positive association to the crate.

Finally, when you do leave your dog leave a stuffed kong to keep your puppy busy. If they do whine or bark, never let them out. Wait until they are quiet. Teach your dog to sit patiently while waiting to leave the crate. Starting manners early will eliminate common problems.

Amy Dunphy
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