
Whats the Best Diet for a Pregnant Cat?

Pregnant cats have to eat for two, three, four, five, even six cats. So her regular meal is just not enough. What should you give instead?

Pregnant and lactating queens need more calories than normal. However, you won't have to force her to eat. Cats are very intelligent animals. They know when they have to eat and how much.

Don't get worried if your cat's appetite decreases in the very early stages of pregnancy. Soon her appetite will increase, and this time dramatically.

The quality of the food is essential. Of course you should always give your cat a nutritionally balanced meal, but this time it's even more important than usual. You are not feeding one cat anymore, but a few (soon-to-be) kittens as well!

It's recommended to buy food from a pet store. Most experienced breeders agree that kitten food is the best for your pregnant cat - yes, even when the kittens are not there yet. Why? Because kitten food contains more calories and protein, and that's just what your queen needs.

Gradually start mixing your cat's regular food with this high-quality kitten food you found in your pet store. Add more kitten food every week. During the week of birth your queen should eat only kitten food.

Some breeders also serve raw meat and say that's good for a pregnant cat as well. However, there is some controversy about this.

About 24 to 48 hours before delivery a pregnant queen will refuse food. Her appetite should return within one day after she gave birth.

Keep her on a kitten food diet until the kittens are weaned.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Journalist Marc de Jong is a long-time cat lover and owner of a popular web site on cats. More in-depth information about food for kittens and pregnant cats is found in his ebook How To Take Care Of Your Pregnant Cat, available through



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