
No More Stillborn Kittens - Know How To Care For A Pregnant Cat

'I named all kittens, although they were all stillborn.' 'My pregnant cat has a bloody vaginal discharge.' 'I had a litter of five, but only one kitten survived.'

These are only a few of the horror stories I received the past weeks. Cat lovers that had hoped for a healthy litter, suddenly found themselves with stillborn kittens or an ill mother cat.

There's a lot that can go wrong when cats are pregnant or give birth, even when most cats deliver without major problems.

Among the dozens of possible complications are infections in the womb, death of the fetuses, spontaneous abortion, development of fetuses outside the womb, suffocation of a kitten right after birth, kittens that get stuck in the birth canal ... it's a long list.

For experienced breeders and specialized vets it's easy to recognize such problems. But things are different for a regular pet lover. Many female cats have only one litter during their life.

Some people rush off to the vet when their pregnant cat is only a little tired of walking around. Others wait too long because they are unaware of the discharge from their cat's vagina. Or they don't know how to cut an umbilical cord without causing a heavy bleeding.

Where it all comes down to, is this: if you know how to recognize complications, you can do a lot to prevent the worst. Seeing a vet might not even be necessary then - which is not only good news for your cat, but also for your budget.

And if you have the right skills, you can save a kitten's life when something goes wrong during birth. Yes, even you can obtain these skills!

Time is of the essence with most medical issues. But when you have a pregnant pet, educating yourself is just as important.

Spend time on reading about pregnancy in cats. Talk with a professional breeder. Ask your vet for advice once you realize your cat is pregnant.

Don't sit back and think all goes well. With a little time and effort, you can save yourself and your cat a devastating experience.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Journalist and long-time cat lover Marc de Jong is the author of How To Take Care Of Your Pregnant Cat, a unique ebook that tells you all about pregnant cats, birth and raising kittens. Read more here:



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