
Horse Stable keeping

It is very important to decide whether to keep your horse with you or choosing a nearby stable that would accommodate your horse. It all depends upon the size of your property and the amount of money that you can spend. If you think that it is difficult for you to keep the horse on your land, you can find a suitable stable maintained by professionals to keep your horse. However, this would cost money, and your horse would be away from you.

If you decide to keep your horse on your property and are ready to invest on the facility for your horse, a few things should be kept in mind.

Your horse would require a huge amount of space to roam. Make sure you have large grounds for your horse.

Be prepared for a regular maintenance of the stable, once it is built. Unhealthy and dirty stables can lead to diseases in your horse. Make sure you have proper arrangements and equipment to clean the stable on a regular basis.

The food storages should be extremely clean. Remember it is very important to keep food clean to avoid diseases. Adequate supply of water should be arranged. Storage tanks should be installed to avoid lack of water.

The surrounds of the facility should be properly fenced to avoid other animals from entering the premises of your beloved horse. It would further protect your horse from going beyond the boundary and could save him from possible dangers. You should also have an indoor riding area to practice during winters. Make special arrangements for winter season. It is important to keep your horse warm in order to derive the best output in terms of performance.

The stable should be free from parasites. It should not contain sharp edges, which might hurt the horse. It should be well protected from rains and dust storms, or any other from of dangerous conditions for that matter. Cleaning should be done on a daily basis. Dust and moulds should be removed as soon as encountered in the stable. The stable should be cleaned from urine and faeces. These are sources of ammonia, which is not good for health. Install proper drainage systems in the facility.

Make sure that you install proper ventilation systems. Fresh air is an important thing to keep your horse healthy. The facility should be well ventilated.

Bedding should be warm and free from dust. Dust can be irritating for your horse and can cause diseases including diseases of the skin. The horse should enjoy the bedding rather than getting irritated. It should provide adequate cushion and support to the horse. A number of synthetic beddings are available in the market.

Darkness has a bad impact on the behavior! The stable should be well equipped with lighting sources. Never keep the horse in darkness. This would have a great impact on the behavior of the horse. He might get aggressive and develop bad habits.

In a nutshell: keep the stable clean, well ventilated, fenced, drained and bright.

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