
Horse Care & Training Tips

Do you own a horse? If so, then you have questions about the care, feeding, shoeing, cost, etc. of horse ownership. The least expense of owning a horse, is the actual purchase. Once you have bought your horse, then your expenses begin: shoeing, de-worming, vaccinations, training, boarding, etc.

Horse Training Tip: Timing

Say you're trying to teach your horse to give to the bit.

When he gives you must instantly release the pressure. There are times I've seen people keep pulling on the reins "after" the horse gave to the pressure. No release, no learning.

The problem with that is the horse doesn't learn that he'll get a release. So if you keep pulling, there is no timing, there is no release, and you end up with garbage. Soon, the horse may fight you for control.

If he gets no release, then why comply. It is the release that teaches!

Timing is everything.

Currently I am training my mare with the Parelli methods of Horse-Man-Ship. I have seen the Parelli's in person, and just watching them, gives me goose bumps because of the love, language and leadership that I witnessed with my eyes. It was incredible. I want that kind of relationship with my mare, and I am doing everything possible to achieve this goal.

Visit the website to find out more useful information and tips on horese care and horse training. I will be putting the descriptions of the 7 Games here soon.

Happy Trails,
Nancy Nellis

Come and Visit Me In My Stable



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