
Dog Travel - Taking a Vacation with Your Dog

Like most dog owners, you probably take your dog with you on weekend excursions and trips to the country. When it comes time to take a longer vacation, however, we always face the dilemma of what to do with Fido.

Traveling with your pup is not always practical, especially if you are flying somewhere. However, there are ways to make dog travel easier and more convenient -- it just requires a bit of planning.

The best way of traveling with your dog is to go by car or recreational vehicle. You can make as many stops as needed and your dog has the space to stretch out. Dog travel by plane is a little bit more complicated but it is not impossible.

If you are planning on flying somewhere with your dog, she will probably have to go in the cargo hold. This can be stressful for dogs, as the cargo hold is noisy and cold. Most airlines will not allow you to take your dog with you during winter weather -- it is simply too cold for a dog!

When traveling with your dog, always keep in mind her safety and comfort. She should have plenty of water to drink at all times, but since she will be less active during the actual traveling time you can probably cut back on her food a little bit.

Think about where you might be staying

Where are you going to stay when you are traveling with your dog? If you are planning on staying in hotels, be sure you know their restrictions and policies regarding dogs. Some hotels will not let you leave the dog alone in the hotel room. If you want to attend an event that prohibits dogs, you will have to arrange for a pet sitter for a few hours. If your hotel caters to dog travel, they may be able to help you locate a local pet sitter.

Maybe you're going to stay with friends when you are on the road. If your dog likes to jump on the furniture you should bring along a couple of old sheets to use as cover slips. Your friends will appreciate this touch and will be more likely to welcome you back for future visits with your pup.

Your dog will feel more secure if you bring some objects from home. Although she will be happy to be with you, if she has her bed and a few toys she will feel more comfortable and less anxious. This will make dog travel more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Because of their natural curiosity, dogs make wonderful travel companions. They also pave the way for making new friends when you are on the road. Dog travel can provide some of the most memorable vacations of your life and give you new perspectives and experiences everywhere you go.

Copyright 2005

Jane K is a lifelong dog enthusiast with a family of four beloved dogs of her own which provide the inspiration for this site. To learn more about how to care for your own beloved dog - visit her at

You are welcome to reprint this article if you keep the content and live link intact.



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