
Starting a Home-Based Pet Related Business

If you're contemplating the idea of starting a home-based business here are some facts you should know:

·According to the Small Business Administration, home-based businesses account for over half of all the businesses in the United States.

·Each year thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs launch a part-time home business to supplement their existing income or to test a new business idea.

·There are two industries that have shown exponential growth over the past years, and they are (in no particular order):

1.The Wellness Industry

2.The Pet Industry

Now that you know that, and that we've agreed you're a pet lover, it's time to choose the right pet business for you. You will have to ask yourself some basic questions such as:

1.What are my strengths? Do you like to work directly with people, or do you prefer to work alone?

2.Do I want to work from home or at home? Some home-based businesses require you to hit the road, while others let you work without ever leaving home.

3.Do I have certain skills that make me stand out from the crowd? Can you bake the most delicious cookies in town? Are you a whiz with your camera? Does every pet you encounter just love you?

4.How much can I afford to invest? Do you have all the necessary equipment to operate your business? Can you start operating on a shoestring and then add as your business grows?

After you have answered those questions is time to search for more information on your desired business idea, you will find a lot of information online. Some ideas are:

·Aromatherapy and Natural Products for Pets

·Poop Scoop Business

·Dog Bakery Business

·Pet Grooming

·Pet Sitting Business

·Pet Photography

Of all of them, my personal favorite is the first one because it merges the two largest growing industries together, Wellness and Pets. BINGO, you have a winner!

Do your homework, find out which home-based pet business best suits you and start today, you will find it to be a rewarding way of earning a living because not only your customers will thank you, but also their human companions. ;o)

Mariangie Gonzalez has a major in Animal Science and Pre-Veterinary and runs the day-to-day operations of her home-based business and website in which you can find out how homeopathic remedies could prolong and improve your pet's life. She can also help you start your own home-based 100% natural pet supplies business, you can visit online at:



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