
So, You've Decided To Kill Your Pet!

The other day I was doing a research online for an article I was writing and I came across an article, which the author started by saying: "Euthanasia, is often the hardest thing to do, yet the greatest act of kindness" Then he went on explaining the "grueling" suffering and the guilt the pet owner goes through before making the decision, how it affects the whole family, especially the kids. But then he explains euthanasia in the most loving way I've ever seen someone describe a murder. I remember "simple and peaceful" were some of the words he used, he even gave recommendations on how to avoid stress during the ride to the vet's clinic.

The GREATEST act of KINDNESS? To whom? That little bundle of love didn't know what was happening, he just knew that he was the happiest guy when you got home from work, he assumed you loved him back because you took him to walks on the park and you pampered him with professional grooming every once in a while. Little he knew that:

1.You were slowly poisoning him with the cheapest discount store pet food, that didn't have the proper nutrients, but in turn was filled with toxins- Processed pet food suppresses the immune system and leads to liver, kidney, heart and other degenerative diseases. You are going to be shocked when you know the nasty things that are used to manufacture your pet's food.

2.Your choice of grooming products was the reason of his constant itching- Commercial pet shampoos contains many toxic and destructive chemicals such as the foaming agents sodium laureth sulphate and cocamide betaine. These strong chemical de-greasers strip the hair of up to 4/5 of its natural oils and eventually produce sore, dry scalp/skin conditions and irritate the eyes. Sadly these foaming agents are used because consumers seem to believe incorrectly, that a lot of lather means a shampoo is working well.

3.You lead him to the degenerative diseases that put him in that cold, stainless steel table wondering, "What's next?"- If you would have considered holistic pet care, for your furry friend, you could have been able to treat conditions even before the symptoms showed up and maintain your pet in balanced wellness avoiding him unnecessary pain, because holistic is not something metaphysical as many people may think, it simply means treating the body as a whole.

You don't have to kill your dog (or cat), you have a choice: PREVENTION- that is the GREATEST act of kindness. It's never too late to start taking good care of your pet, remember, we're talking about the one who's proud to be seen with you even if you're ugly, the one who stays by your bed when you're sick, the one who in the event of inverted positions, would not hesitate to take good care of you. Start now!

Mariangie Gonzalez has a major in Animal Science and Pre-Veterinary and runs the day-to-day operations of her home-based business and website in which you can learn how homeopathic remedies could prolong and improve your pet's life. She can also help you start your own home-based 100% natural pet supplies business, you can visit online at:



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