
Get Your Dog Safely Through a Storm

Thunder storms affected pets differently. Some hardly notice them, others get extremely worked up. Count yourself lucky if you a dog that doesn't mind storms and loud noises like fireworks. However, if you have a dog that starts whimpering at the very slightest rumbling of thunder in the distance, here's some tips to help you.

The first sign of trouble is usually restlessness. They may be pacing, panting or whining. If you have an inside dog, they're probably either attached to you, or they're hiding under a bed somewhere.

Not everything is going to work for every dog. The best way is to try a variety of options to see what works best for your dog.

If you normally crate your dog, crating them during a storm is the first thing I'd try. If you have a wire crate, it may help to put a blanket over it to muffle the sounds. Crating gives the dogs a sense of security. However, if you don't normally crate your dog when you're home, then crating them during a storm may make things worse. In order to try this, practice routinely crating your dog when you're home for times like nap time.

The next tip to try is a natural remedy. There are two I've tried personally on my dogs that I would recommend. The first is the Essential Oil - Lavender. Essential Oil is an extract from a plant & all natural. All it takes are a few drops & rub it on my dogs paws & then a drop or two on their skin. It absorbs rapidly & has a calming effect. They may still pant, and be restless, but it seems to take the edge off. Once the storm passes, they sleep soundly.

The other natural remedy I've used is "Rescue Remedy" by Bach Flower Essences. Similar to Lavender, it's a natural product that has a soothing effect on your pet. You can pick Rescue Remedy up at your local Veterinarian's Office.

If you have a pet that destroys things when you're not home & there's a thunderstorm, your safest bet will be a sturdy crate. This will be for their safety as well as the safety of your household items. I've heard stories of dogs that have jumped through glass windows because they were frightened by storms.

Short of tranquilizing your dog, there is no magic pill to help them through a storm. It takes time, love and patience to see what works best for your dog.

Suzi Sevcik is the founder of & proud dog owner. The experiences she writes about comes from living with 3 Golden Retrievers. You can find more pet articles here: or email her at



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