
Small Dog Travel Guide


-Pet products that are useful, fun and enjoyable will make the pet and owner equally happy, thus taking the time to search for the right products are important.

-Treats are a good way to relieve stress and fight boredom during long periods of sitting and waiting around inside a small dog carrier.

-Weather conditions are very important to consider for any sized pet traveling in a small dog carrier.

-Suitable pet clothing is not something to be forgotten especially when hiking or partaking in any outdoor activities.


-Luckily, in increasing amount of destinations are becoming more pet friendly, however it is always the owner's responsibility to make sure they are prepared for anything!

Things To Be Prepared For?

1. Some accommodations will charge a fee per night, per pet

2. Some animals may not be allowed

3. Most hotels or motels will expect that animals are naturally well behaved without a muzzle

4. Some accommodations require a deposit for pets

5. Other accommodations may only require that an agreement is signed upon arrival

6. Few places treat the pet as though it is a member of the family

Airline Travel

-When traveling overseas, a pet owner needs to be aware of quarantine restrictions

-Travel between the USA, Canada and the UK all allow pets to travel without being quarantined by the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS)

-Check the airline regulations before you plan to bring you pet with you in a small pet carrier.

Car Travel

-A pet owner needs to be concerned about not only the pet's safety but also the driver and passengers.

-Pet may become annoyed, stressed, distracted, vocal and disruptive in side a small dog carrier which could interfere with the drivers ability to operate a car safely.

-The pet's temperament during car travel is an important consideration.

-Pet's need to get out of the small dog carrier and stretch just like us humans do.

-Safety restraints or harnesses are a good idea to keep pet's where they are wanted in the car, whether the pet is allowed in the front seat or not.

Daniel Urmann is a contributor and author for the website Small Dog Carriers.



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