
Special Gifts for Animal Lovers

Animal lovers come in all shapes and sizes. Undoubtedly if you bump into an animal lover you will find them to be friendly, loving, caring, and compassionate human beings.

There are hundreds of gifts for animal lovers, bound to bring a smile to their face. Keep in mind that a pet can be any number of animals including cats, dogs, horses, fish, birds, reptiles and even little piggies.

When searching for gifts for animal lovers, remember that each animal has distinct personalities, characteristics and habits. Some of these are detailed for you below.

1. Cats: Cats have perhaps the most distinct personality from any other animal. They might definitely be described as independent creatures. They are also lazy creatures, often requiring a nap in excess of three hours or more during the day. A cat traditionally will require his/her own 'space' within your household, so be certain you take this into consideration. Among the top gifts for cats include catnip and scratching posts.

2. Dogs: Dogs are the universal unconditional lover. No matter who you are, where you come from or what you do, a dog is sure to love you. Unlike their feline friends, dogs love to travel in a car, and will often sit next to the driver and enjoy the ride. They tend to obey commands, and love to play chase. A Frisbee might be a cherished gift to a dog lover.

3. Fish: Fish were created for those that love animals but don't have a lot of time to commit to elaborate hygiene and entertainment schedules. Fish pretty much live a self sufficient existence. They swim about, look beautiful and occasionally do something 'neat' that captures the attention of their owners and guests. Aquarium supplies and accessories are often appreciated by fish lovers.

You might find that an individual with an affinity for parakeets or other birds has quite a personality and loves to talk. Animal lovers often bond with pets that match their personality and lifestyle habits. Thus, when considering gifts for animal lovers keep in mind the pet owner's personality, and you'll easily find a gift that will satisfy both the owner and the pet.

Adriana Copaceanu provides people with creative gift ideas that don't blow the bank. You can find Great pet gift ideas at her site. Want regular reminders on gift-giving? Sign up for Gift News her free monthly newsletter.



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