
Pet Peeve: Dogs Doing Business Where Not Wanted

We've recently moved into a new apartment complex that really is much like a resort. We don't have to maintain the lawn, handle any maintenance problems, or deal with unruly neighbors. We can use the pool without having to clean and maintain it, we can work out in a gym without the added monthly expense, we can play pool without going to a bar, and we can enjoy many sports such as racquetball, tennis, volleyball, and basketball.

So why with all this "luxury" surrounding us would I already be in a tiff? Dogs! That's why. Many of the renters own dogs and instead of taking them for a walk on the "pet walks" which were meant for their feces. These pet owners think its okay to walk their pets around the apartment complex, let them do their "business," and then walk away without cleaning it up!

I've learned that not cleaning up after their dogs is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. First, I consider it rude to let your dog use the bathroom on someone else's property. Okay, so we don't own the lawn in front of our apartment, but we sure do pay a lease for it as well as the public areas! Second, I think it is inconsiderate and shows a lack of respect for others. Third, I think it makes the property look bad.

I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to go up to a dog owner as the dog is doing his/her business and give the owner a piece of my mind. But instead, I bite my tongue and say to myself, "As long as they aren't doing it on my property I have no right to say anything. I just hope if they do it on my property I find the right words to say without letting all my frustration out on one person."

I've even considered going up to management and making a fuss, but what can they do? They can't "police" every pet owner as they leave the house. There are signs posted through out the complex, they've mentioned this area of concern in the monthly newsletter, and it's in the apartment rental contract.

If you're a pet owner who lets your pet "do business" on someone else's property, think about this:

How would you feel if you woke up one morning and stepped on something squishy as you walked to your car? Doesn't sound bad? What if you looked down to find that squishy mess was actually a pile of dog poop? Would you be angry, irritated, or disgusted? Or would you think it was okay and just walk back in the hose to change your shoes?

Now take that stop a step further, what if your little one was playing outside on his/her front lawn and thought that pile of dog poop was mud and put it in his/her mouth? Would you still be okay with someone else letting their pet "do business" on your property?

Final Thought

Take the time to respect your neighbor today. You just never know when that respect will come back to you ten-fold.

About The Author

Alyice Edrich is a freelance writer specializing in helping small businesses succeed-on the web. Visit her at for free business-related articles and information on how she can help you succeed, today. Don't forget to join her free e-zine!

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