
Determining Skin Disorders In The Aquarium

Many different skin problems can arise in the aquarium. thankfully, through careful observation on a daily basis, they can be diagnosed and treated. Carefully check your fish on a daily basis, looking for abnormal growths, any change in the body of the fish, or damage to the scales, fins, or body covering. Look for the presence of parasites, and watch swimming behavior, to see if there is any chnage in their habits. Making a daily visual diagnosis is of utmost importance to the health and happiness of your fish friends.

The most common skin ailments are White Spot Disease, Velvet Disease, parasitic infestations, eye diseases, Mouth fungus, Fungus, Anchor Worm, Fish Louse, Ulcer Disease, Septicemia, and stress.

Let's take them in order:

1. White Spot Disease: Look for visible spots on the skin. Ichtyophtirius or White Spot Disease presents as spots that are distinct and separate.

2. Velvet Disease: Are spots numerous and dusty in appearance? Is your fish of the freshwater type? If so, then the fish is probably suffering from Oodinium limneticum, or Velvet Disease.

3. If parts of the skin is excessively slimy, and this slime is cloudy and covering most of the fish's body, then suspect a parasitic infestation. Generally, they will be infested with one of three different parasites - Costia,Chilodonella, or Trichodina.

4. If the slime noted in number three is covering the eye only, then suspect an eye disease, usually caused by improper handling and poor water conditions.

5. If there is slime around the mouth that presents as fine, tufty, and very short filaments, then chances are good that your fish is suffering from Mouth Fungus.

6. If the slime on the fish's body is filamentous and tufty in appearance like cotton, then suspect a Fungus.

7. If a parasite is visible, and is worm-shaped in appearance, then your problem is probably Anchor Worm.

8. Again, if a parasite is visible, and is round in shape, suspect Fish Louse.

9. If an ulcer is visible on the fish's body, then suspect an ulcer disease, which is caused by bacteria, and may indicate that the fish suffers from Septicemia.

10. If the skin is reddened, and appears dull, then the chances of Septicemia are high. Septicemia is a bacterial conditional, and a serious threat to your fish.

11. If the same conditions exist in a long finned cold-water fish, you may have a fish that has been subjected to sudden changes in tank conditions, such as rapidly rising/falling temperatures and PH levels.

If careful observation is used, you will be able to quickly detect and diagnose skin conditions in your aquarium. Remember, if you cannot make a diagnosis, check with a vet that specializes in fish disease.

Alden Smith is a published author, and has been marketing on the internet for 7 years. His website, King Discus, is an active gathering place for discus breeders and lovers of discus fish. His wife Betsy is the administrator of All The Best Recipes a site rich in online recipes and cookbooks.



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