
Pet Owners Are The Majority Population In The U.S.

According to recent statistics, an astounding 65% of all U.S. household have at least one pet, and in many of these homes, their pets are considered part of the family. With so many homes containing pets, it is no wonder that so many laws have been created to protect our pets. Agencies that might not have existed just a decade ago, like the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (S.P.C.A), are now the dominating force in the war against animal cruelty.

But, a lot of responsibility still lies with the pet owners when it comes to ensuring that their pets are safe and secure. Making sure a pet is safe and secure also includes taking the steps needed for their safe return if they are ever become lost. Each year more than a million pets are reported lost to shelter agencies around the nation, and a large majority of these pets are never returned because of lack of any identification, or up-to-date contact information for the owners.

Providing a method for lost pets to be identified and returned to their owners helps relieve rescue agencies and shelters of this task, and allows them to focus on returning the lost pet. The solution to this problem is provided by a company called RecoveryPets.Com, they have established a service that provides the pet owner with the ability to register their pet in a global pet identification data-base. Once registered with the service, the pets description, photograph, and the owners contact information is available for the recovery of lost pets.

Services like the one provided by RecoveryPets.Com and national shelter agencies are working towards making sure that pets are safe and secure with their owners. Because the loss of a family pet can be a traumatic experience, so if there are ways to reduce the stresses associated with losing a pet, then its their mission to make sure that these services are in place. Pet recovery is greatly improved if the finders of lost pets have a visible identification system, and the pet id tag is the most recognizable items that a pet owner can put on their pet.

Even with all the advances in the pet protection industry, pet owners still fail to take the initiative to ensure that their pets are safe. But, with companies like RecoveryPets.Com and the work being done by shelter agencies, they are making the job of making sure their pets are protected a little bit easier, if their services are utilized. To find more information about the services they offer, visit your local shelters website, or RecoveryPets.Com's website at

Thaddeus Collins is the owner of RecoveryPets.Com and they specialize in the global recovery of lost pets using a unique tracking number. For more information visit



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