
Our Childrens Story

One we must regrettably share with our children for they most certainly will find out on their own.


We hope they learn from our foibles stemming from ignorance, apathy and politics. It is, but for our egos, that we have not yet come close to resolving this society's issues of animal abuse and neglect towards the animals of which we share this planet. The noblest of efforts have little affects when unaccompanied by true results.

The Legacy We Leave Them

We followed the large national groups. For 25 years they promised to solve these problems, if only we would send them money. We did. Nearly $2 Billion each year. In turn, they spent 90 cents from every dollar on high salaries, new cars, luxury items and still ask for more. The ultimate goals were not as important as their individual agendas and egos that keep them in business. Our own apathy was killing all these animals.

We hated other animal protection organizations, never spoke to them, but readily spoke ''about'' them. Never shared ideas. For political reasons we were confident it was ''for our own good"./ Therefore we have no comprehensive program to present to the public or bring to the schools. Our noble attempts quelled by politics ignorance and greed. But our egos were left in tact. Now, sadly we must leave it all to you.

Remember these things: Work Together. Do Not separate your ideas. Yours may or may not be better than others. Without communication, how will you know? Take One Step AT A Time. Be organized and focus. For decades we've shoved thousands of problems and possible solutions to the public. No unity or clear plan. Too confusing. We looked stupid. We have but few accomplishments.

POLITICS: IT is in every aspect of our lives. It is the largest hurdle to overcome if we hope to save the animals. Don't let your goals be compromised by ego, emotions, envy or anger like we did. Your egos and feelings may get hurt. BIG DEAL!!! The animals continue to die. Move on. THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!! But certainly more adult than we could handle. Politics has no place here. It must be taught through humane education in schools.

The animal problems have plagued us for years and we've turned a blind eye to the fact it's OUR problem to solve. Do not allow the large animal protection groups to continue unchecked. Go confidently in the direction that will bring results. don't be afraid to ''think outside the box''. It scares people. Let them be scared. Humans fear change. They are weak in spirit and ideas. You will lead them in the long run.

Don't expect too much from humans. They are limited. Their egos are not. You will experience failures. Keep moving forward. Without them you learn nothing. The successes you will have will be monumental. If you set out to solve a problem, do it with integrity, honesty, fortitude and determination. Sorry we didn't have those qualities. Be smarter than we. Give voice to the animals.

Randy Warner has done 22 years of Dalmatian Rescue saving over 2,500 Dalmatians. He has also begun to give humane education programs to schools and authored a series of books on issues surrounding humane education, character development and the importance of voting.



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