
Is There Taurine In Your Dogs Food?

Taurine, a water-soluble amino acid, has recently become the topic of conversation when referring to the nutritional composition that makes up the human and animal physical structure. Once thought of as an unimportant A.A. recent studies prove that this amino acid has metabolic properties that are very beneficial to various components of the mammal skeletal system. (heart, kidneys, blood)

Taurine - "A colorless crystalline substance, C2H7NO3S, formed by the hydrolysis of taurocholic acid and found in the fluids of the muscles and lungs of many animals." (

Taurine's main purpose is to act as a catalyst facilitating the flow of vital elements to and from cells. Elements such as Sodium, (Na) Potassium, (k) and Calcium (ca) depend on Taurine in order for them to move from one cell to another.

Taurine has been a present element in cat food due to its vital properties and just recently pet food manufacturers have been implementing Taurine into dog foods also realizing that this A.A. can be very beneficial to dogs as well as cats. Taurine is most abundantly found in the retina and cases of blindness have been linked to Taurine deficiency in kittens, however in most cases, the same studies showed a reversal of the blindness when Taurine supplements were administered. Taurine is also very beneficial for the heart, and cases of dilated cardiomyopathy

(A disease or disorder of the heart muscle, especially of unknown or obscure cause.) have been linked to low Taurine levels in kittens.

I know the average dog owner may look at what I just wrote and say something to the effect of "why are you telling me this? I'm sure if this Taurine is so important, my dog food manufacturer will add it to my dog's food." Well I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but in actual fact, most dog food manufacturers are out to make a buck, not to make sure that your dog is getting the best optimal diet. That is why doing research and knowing as much as you can about what you are feeding your dog is so important. Dogs will usually eat anything that you give them, that is why in my case, I will always ensure that I familiarize myself with every component that makes up my dog's food, to ensure that he is getting a stable diet enriched with all the required components to allow him to function at the top of his game.

Whether you realize it or not, research takes time and money. In some cases to compete with competition, dog food manufacturers taking the time and using the resources that are necessary to properly study a potential additive, is just not an option. In today's world where manufacturers are vying for your attention time is of the essence and this can sometimes be a hindrance when it comes to properly researching and analyzing potential additions to the given product. Sometime when its cold and rainy and you cant face the outside world, you might find it beneficial to "google" a known shady dog food manufacturer and compare their dog food with what you feed your dog. Then "google" a known high quality manufacturer and do the same comparison. I am certain that you will find this simple exercise quite fascinating, I did.

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