
Loyal Companions Promote Longevity

Have you ever wondered what a dog thinks, or if he dreams? Canine companions, by far, are amazing creatures of habit. If you've ever adopted one, your life has been enriched by the spirited side of nature.

Deep, within their childlike eyes is the innocence of perpetual bliss. These fury friends live to satisfy you and you alone. They soothe us with their undying love and devotion, come to our aid in a moment's notice, anxiously await our return and fill our hearts with years of joy and laughter.

At will, they pleasantly astound us with their cunning mannerisms, comedic maneuvers and gentle demeanor. Always seeking to please, never failing on loyalty.

The nearly Humanistic side of dogs is their keen ability to display real emotion and feeling. When we are saddened, our loving counterparts tenderly nudge us or brush our faces against ours as if they understand. And when we are happy, they mimic our excitement with mirror reactions all their own.

These sweet, extended family members are known to lower stress, tension and even blood pressure. And it's no wonder -- they never refuse our requests, they compliment us with their adoration and they'll follow us to the ends of the Earth if necessary.

You see, being the "mom" of two Chinese Sharpies, in addition to two "Heinz-57" Rottweiller/Shepherd mixes, I've discovered the true and priceless value of a dog's companionship and love.

During moments of sorrow, happiness and even depression, I've found that when we're at our worst, our four-legged "children" are there not only to enhance our lives but to extend our longevity as well.

From recorded days of ancient history, dogs have been man's best friend. Always assisting -- love unwavering. Mutually, we care for them for their material needs, but return benefits last a lifetime. Thus is the reason dogs are utilized for so many venues - from assisting the blind, the disabled and now therapeutic hospital visitations that promote help in healing

If you have one of these fury sidekicks, realize they are just like children. Their spirits are broken easily. Love them for who they are, what they are and just maybe, you will be rewarded with the greatest gift in extended lease on life.

© Loyal Companions Promote Longevity All Rights Reserved by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot is the Public Relations' Director & Writer for Holistic Junction -- Your source of information for Holistic Practitioners, Massage Therapy Schools, Healing Arts Schools, Alternative Health Education, Insightful Literature and so much more!!



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