
Dog Training - How To Win Your Dogs Confidence

Settling a puppy into a new home successful is often easier than an older dog because a young dog will adapt more willingly to joining what is, in effect, a new pack.

Even so, it's usually possible to win the confidence of older dogs so that they will adapt well to their new environment, although this will require more patience.

After bringing your new puppy home for the first time, he will initially need time to adjust to his new environment. He shouldn't be crowded, particularly by children, during his first few days.

? Training helps your new puppy settle into his new home. It builds his confidence at the same time as building a relationship with his owner.

? A puppy will initially not be able to understand what is not acceptable in his new home. Be aware that he has to learn: he will not respond immediately to you, so just be patient with him.

Old Dog, New Tricks.

The natural curiosity of puppies means that they will usually have little, if any, natural shyness after the first day or in new surroundings, after being separated from their littermates.

Older dogs will be less adaptable, partly because of the disruption to their established routine.

Here are several guidelines to keep in mind when training an older dog:

? Dogs that haven't lived with children before may find it hard to adapt to a home where children are present. It is important to build trust between them carefully as a result, especially if the children are relatively young.

? An older dog, like a new puppy, will need to adapt to a new routine, so don't become impatient if training takes longer than you expect.

? Try not to change the name of an older dog, simply because he will have become used to his name, and any alternation is likely to be confusing to your new pet.


There are certain situations in which it can be harder to win your dog's confidence, particularly with rescued dogs which have been mistreated.

A rescued dog will be inherently wary at first, and the process of building his confidence in people is likely to take longer than with a puppy.

Realistically, in many instances, you will probably not be able to persuade him to forget his previous life entirely.

A rescued dog may encounter something mild, perhaps something as simple as a particular color and style of garment, which reminds him of his past. This is then likely to trigger an unexpected reaction, which will initially be of fear and may occasionally turn to aggression.

It is important to build up a detailed picture of the past of such dogs, as this can help to prevent your pet acting out of character in the future.

Be sensitive too, to what your dog tells you.

If he starts growling unexpectedly when you pick up an umbrella or something, it may well be that he was hit with one in his previous home.

Amy Howells is the owner of a website dedicated to teaching you the short-cuts to dog training.

You can also sign up to a free e-course and discover the astonishing short-cut secrets to dog obedience training



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