
Correcting a Dog Behavior Problem - Jumping

The first thing to realize when you are training a dog is that he only does things that work. Therefore, when you are dealing with a dog behavior problem, the first thing you need to address is, "What is he getting out of it?"

With jumping, your dog is trying to get some attention-any attention. Is it working? It is if they are still doing it! Even if it is negative attention, the dog will still persist in his attempt. They are very diligent. To fix the dog behavior problem, first you need to make sure that you are not looking at your dog when he jumps on you, even if it is to say "off" or reprimand him.

Without knowing it, you probably are giving him some attention by doing this, so he continues the dog behavior problem. The long term solution to correcting the dog behavior problem is to take away any attention by turning your body and face completely away from him when he begins to jump.

When he sees that he is not getting anywhere and stops, turn back and give him lots of love. It will take about two weeks for him to "get it," but this is the best way to teach him that he does not get what he wants from jumping or any dog behavior problem. Everyone he comes into contact with must do this-at least in the training stages.

You may couple this with a stronger remedy-a short term dog behavior problem solution. This can be using a water bottle to squirt him in the face when he jumps. Make sure you are still turning and not giving any eye contact as you do this.

Also, a shake can may work for his dog behavior problem if water is not turning him off. A shake can is an empty soda can with two pennies in it and tape on the top. This is more drastic because it startles them. It doesn't hurt to use it a few times. Simply shake the can when the dog's paws are on you. This is best used when you are expecting the jump like when you come home. Don't overuse the can for too long, or the dog will become desensitized.

Whatever you do for your dog behavior problem, know that you are probably giving your dog mixed signals like giving him eye contact for jumping on you or talking to him when he does so. This is reinforcing him for jumping-because it is attention (he doesn't care if it is positive or negative) that he is wanting. This is an important rule to remember when you are training at home without a trained third-party. Don't get frustrated with your dog; remember, if he is demonstrating a dog behavior problem over and over, he must be getting something good as a result.

Once the dog "gets it," you may begin to use the word "off" while turning. This will allow you to have a command for the action AFTER the dog understands it. Then, use treats to reinforce his proper behavior. For more training information feel free to visit

Kelley Blackston

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Dog Behavior Problem



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