
Dog Eye Problems - What To Watch Out For

Dog eye problems can occur at any time. You should pay close attention to your dog's eyes just as you would their teeth, so that you can catch any possible infections or injuries immediately and have them treated.

Dogs are vulnerable to several diseases and possible injuries due to the structure of their eyes. Always keep watch for signs of discharge, squinting, cloudiness, irritation and redness, or swelling. If your dog starts to bump into furniture, this could be a sign of vision loss.

The most common canine eye problems usually stem from the following:

This is by no means a complete list of possible eye diseases, but they seem to be the most common.

A dog's eyes may discharge for a variety of reasons. Allergies are often a major cause, as is irritation from dust or small specs of foriegn materials. Problems with tear ducks and drainage, bacteria and/or viruses may cause runny eyes, sometimes with a white or yellowish discharge.

One source of prevention and treatment is through natural, herbal and homeopathic eye washes. These natural medications are non-irritating, quite soothing and will promote natural healing of your dog's eye tissues. They are also good for removing foreign debris, clearing up the encrustation that sometimes builds up in the corner of the eyes, as well as opening tear ducts.

Be sure to always have your dog's eyes thoroughly checked at each annual veterinary visit or if you notice anything out of the ordinary. Catching possible dog eye problems before they become severe can help prevent future vision problems in your pet.

About the Author:

Copyright 2005. Rose Smith is the author and owner of Caring For Canines, a web site that provides information on natural dog health care. Please visit us at: Be sure to also check out the Caring For Canines - Pet Health News Blog at:



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