
What Rabbit Noises Mean

a) Growling

If your rabbit growls or grunts at you, she is upset with something and probably something is bothering her. Maybe she's angry that you're poking your hand into her cage, and she doesn't want you in her territory. Growling can be a sign of anger, fear, uncertainty and stress. You should get to know your bunny better and understand what her different growls mean.

b) Screaming

This is not the thing that you want to hear from your bunny. A bunny scream is usually a bad news. Generally signifies your bunny is either hurt or dying. You'll want to get her help immediately.

c) Crying

Bunny cry is interpreted much as you would understand the same noise in puppies or people. A bunny do so by thumping their back feet or whimper.

d) Licking

If your bunny licks your face or your hands,be happy. She's telling you "I love you!"

e) Flopping

Your bunny is on top of the world. She is a very happy bunny.

f) Binkying

You definitely got one happy bunny living with you.

g) Thumping

Your bunny will thump her back legs for a number of reasons including fear, anger and warning you to danger lurking.

h) Chinning

Your bunny is rubbing her chin all over the places to mark her territory. She's saying, "hey, this is mine."

Best regards,
Amanda Gates

I am Amanda Gates and I have been a rabbit lover since young! In my eyes, rabbits are simply lovely, sweet, cute, soft and gentle. It is my hobby to care for my rabbits and I spend most of my free time doing research, collecting rabbit's beautiful pictures and reading lots of books about rabbits. Currently, I have two rabbits, a Florida White and a Polish, named Barbie and Ken. My rabbits have been with me for more than 3 years and they are so cute! Both of them are part of my life and bring joy to me.



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