
A New Nutritional Approach for Both Pet Allergies and Allergies to Pets

A New Understanding of Allergies

Allergies of all kinds seem to be on the rise--both for people and for their pets. The exciting new science of Glycobiology points strongly to a common basis for many of these allergies; and the revolutionary new nutritional technology of glyconutrition, which has developed from this new science, is proving to be a very effective--and natural--way to help both pets and their owners get marked relief from their allergies.

A recent 12-year longitudinal study with people who began the study as young, healthy adults found that the functional level of their immune systems declined, on average, at the rate of about 3% per year. This rapid decline is correlated with a corresponding increase in the incidence of auto-immune diseases and a proliferation of allergies of all kinds--including allergies to pets.

Ironically, however, pets also are commonly afflicted with stubborn allergies that are a source of much distress--and expense--for their owners. And, very commonly--just as with their owners--medical interventions that mainly focus on treating the symptoms are quite ineffective.

The findings of Glycobiology suggest that this prevailing approach may be barking up the wrong tree, so to speak, and that a nutritional intervention that, instead, supplies the body with crucial micronutrients that are lacking is likely to be far more effective.

Glycobiology has now established that every cell in the mammalian body requires eight necessary sugar molecules in order to function effectively. These sugars combine with protein and fat molecules into glycoforms that attach themselves to the surfaces of every cell in the body. Under an electron microscope, they look like weird trees growing on the cell surface. One of their most important functions there is to allow cells to communicate effectively with each other.

To the degree that these "super sugars" are deficient, cell-to-cell communication tends to break down and some form of illness starts to develop.

An insufficiency of these sugar molecules is particularly disastrous for the immune system, because it causes the cells of the immune system to become, in effect, partially blind. These cells can then become over-reactive in attacking allergens of all kinds and even in attacking the tissues of the body; on the other hand, ironically, they may become under-reactive in attacking true pathogens that are serious threats to the body.

Unfortunately, six of these crucially-important sugar molecules are seriously lacking in the modern diet. They are commonly found, however, in vine-ripened fruits and vegetables and also in many of the wild foods that our stone-age ancestors consumed in abundance.

When these glyconutrients, as they are called technically (glyco from the Greek word for "sweet"), are provided in adequate quantity to the body through supplementation, all of the cells in the body start functioning much more effectively. This is especially true for cells in the immune system. As cell-to-cell communication improves in this system, it tends to become better modulated--that is, less likely either to over- or under-react. Correspondingly, allergies and auto-immune conditions tend to diminish or disappear.

Just as these crucial glyconutrients are lacking in the modern diet for humans, they are similarly deficient in nearly all commercial pet food, which is also loaded with artificial dyes, perservatives and additives. The ancestors of our canine and feline pets--just like our human ancestors--have spent eons eating wild, natural foods, and this is what their systems are designed for. It is only in the last several decades that they--along with their owners--have been exposed to commercially prepared foods, as well as the chemicals these foods contain - chemicals that their bodies (as well as ours) cannot tolerate. In addition, artificial ingredients in these foods can trigger an immune response that, quite literally, can make pets sick.

An Example of Applying this New Approach

The following true story illustrates just how effective glyconutrition can be in helping to restore balance to a pet's over-reactive immune system.

Ted, a Golden Retriever, is the pride and joy of his owner, Mary. His chronic, severe ear infections and skin rash, therefore, distressed her very much. She consulted with various Veterinarians and tried every kind of treatment she heard of to get them under control. But nothing worked.

When a friend recommended glyconutritional supplements as a possible remedy, she was very skeptical. After giving Ted a teaspoon of glyconutritional powder, mixed with ice cream, once a day for about two weeks, however, his ear infectionsâ?"and his skin rashâ?"went away. Her skepticism continued, however, so she stopped giving it to him when her supply of these natural sugars ran out. Almost immediately, his ear infections and skin rash came back.

Still skeptical, Mary got some more of this product and resumed the previous regimen; and again, after just a few days, all of his symptoms went away. Around this time, a close friend and dog lover who knew Ted very well and who didn't know that he was receiving this daily supplement, commented to Mary that she had never before seen his coat looking so healthy and shiny. And then, as they both observed Ted more closely, they noticed to their surprise, that he had grown eyelashes that he didnâ??t have previously!

Ted then continued to be symptom-free for a period of several months. But then, once again, when the supplement supply ran out, Mary thought that he might not need it anymore. But, again, all of his symptoms quickly returned when she stopped giving it to him. She then quickly started him on this nutritional regimen once again, and this has continued to be a part of his daily diet to the present timeâ?"about two years since he first started. He remains completely free of his original symptoms and both he and his owner are delighted. After examining him, a Veterinarian who had treated him unsuccessfully for many years, was very impressed and decided to try this new nutritional approach with some of her other pet clients.

Impressive though they are, very similar results have been reported for animals subject to a wide array of health challenges that have also received glyconutrients. Some of these results have been presented on an audiotape by Arthur Young, DVM, a homeopathic Veterinarian with over 50 years experience. (Information about how to obtain a copy of this tape is available from the author.)

Anyone interested in learning more about glyconutrition--for their pets and/or for themselves--can do so by clicking on the URL below. It's also possible to purchase glyconutritional supplements at this site.

George Shears
Retired Psychologists & Wellness Consultant



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