
Easy Tips for Healthy Pets

Do you want a long and healthy life for your pets?

There are things in our pets' environments that can rob them of precious health and long life. I'm not talking about cars accidents and mean kids in the neighborhood. I'm talking about things inside the home. Things like:

1) Food Food is meant to be good tasting and good for you. The same applies to our pets. Unfortunately, both people food and pet food are full of stuff. And most of this stuff isn't found growing naturally.

Manufacturers have taken the place of growers and cooks. To make foods taste better things are added.

To make foods last forever on the store shelf, things are added. For example, tomatoes are now designed to look good after a long trip to the store. They are not grown to be nutritious and safe.

On TV we see reports about how additives, preservatives and stuff are making our children unhealthy. The same thing applies to our pets' food.

Preservatives keep food fresh by altering the DNA of the creatures living on the food. What do these preservatives do to the DNA of the child or pet eating them?

See where I'm going?

Altered hormones, cell mutations (cancer), sickness !!!

The only way to minimize this stuff in our pet's food is to make the food ourselves. There are recipes all over the web for the kitchen literate.

Most people don't have the time to make their pet's food and treats. There are places where good wholesome pet foods can be purchased.

2) Chemicals in the home

What do you use to clean your counter tops? Where do you store it? Can your pet get to it? Can your kids get to it?

A large number of children and pets are poisoned each year because household products are very attractive to inquisitive minds. There are a lot of products on the market that won't harm anyone if swallowed.

We had one 6 month old child find and swallow a cleanser. The parents didn't think he was old enough to get to the open bottle.

3) Mold in the home Most people consider mold in the home an unattractive nuisance. But it can cause allergic reactions in children AND pets.

One house we investigated had two sick, allergic, asthmatic kids. But they called us in when the dog started sneezing.

Does your pet sleep in the laundry room? Lots of mold there too.

Mold can cause:

* Allergies,
* sinus problems,
* itching,
* stomach problems,
* hyperactivity,
* skin and hair problems.

This list applies both to kids and pets.

But be careful about what you use to clean away the mold. Bleach doesn't kill mold but does burn sensitive lungs.

Don't use any product that your store owner or pest control person won't drink in front of you.

For more info on mold and what it can do to you and your pet, go to:

Remember - if you use this article as your guide, your pups and cats will love you for a long, long time.

(c) 2005 Dr GW Graham

Dr Graham has been helping people treat and prevent disease by living in a clean environment for 30 years.



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