
Is Pet Insurance Worth It?

Many pet owners often wonder if it's worth it to purchase pet insurance. The way I see it, there are two main considerations, your opinion when it comes to risk-taking and the expected health of your pet.

Are you a risk-taker or are you conservative? If you are a risk-taker when it comes to insurance and would be okay covering any health-related costs yourself, you shouldn't bother getting pet insurance. Right or wrong, this is what most pet owners do. However, if you are conservative, and want the peace of mind knowing that most major health costs you incur for your pet would be covered, pet insurance might be right for you!

The second consideration is the expected health of your pet. Of course, it's impossible to predict with any level of precision how healthy your pet will be, but if you have carefully researched the lineage of your puppy, kitten or foal, and have sound information about the health of the lines, then that's valuable information for you to use when making this decision.

Next, you might be wondering how pet insurance works. It's pretty simple. You'd pay a monthly insurance premium for your pet, which could be as low as $10 per month (but usually higher). Some plans cover routine care as well as accidents and illnesses, while others only cover accidents and illnesses (the later would be cheaper). When your pet receives veterinary care, you'd submit the bill to the insurance company for reimbursement. Based on the plan you purchase, you'd be reimbursed a percentage of the total cost minus any deductible. Not every procedure is covered, so check out your policy carefully.

With the rising costs of pet healthcare and with the extremes that many of us would go to for our pets, pet insurance is becoming very popular with pet owners.



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