
17 Tips Thatll Safeguard You and Your Family From Dog Bites or Attack

Did you know that more than one million north americans will be bitten by dogs this year, and about one million dog bites will go unreported.

Its sad but most of the victims will be children. These dog bites will come from animals known to them. Unleashed dogs will account for most of the bites inflicted.

What Makes Dogs Bite

Not being educated and pet owners not being committed on training their pet is what leads to most of these dog bites. We must realize that dogs don't normally become a part of our families already trained.

Why Then Do Dogs Bite?

1. They will bite if scared, angry, or threatened. Even a dog thats friendly will bite.

2. If he feels he's cornered or crowded.

3. They will protect what they think belongs to them. Like their food, toys.

4. Dogs will protect their space such as sleeping area, yard, porch, cars and home.

5. Dogs are predatory by nature and love to chase and attack.

6. A stray dog may feel upset being lost or hurt and bite with alot less provocation.

7. A dog being startled may lash out and bite.

How to Prevent Bites

8. Teaching young children to be careful around pets. Don't allow children to play rough or allow pupies to bite. Not even play biting.

9. Teach your children never get close to strange dogs.

10. Leave a dogs things alone like food, toys, bones, ect.

11. Most injuries are caused by getting too close to a dogs face with your own.

12. Refain from running past a dog. They love to chase. Avoid getting a dog excited or aggressive, by yelling and screaming.

13. You never want to pet a dog thats eating, sleeping or careing for its puppies.

14. Stay away from dogs that are tied up or in cars.

15. You should always ask permission from a pet owner to pet his dog. Even if he's present and the dog's on a leash.

16. Refrain from swinging your arms or things you have at a dog. It may think its an invitation to bite.

17. You should never pet stray dogs or ones running loose.

Its great to have a dog go on a hike or walk on a trail with you but we humans need to treat dogs with respect. Just remember to teach your children how act around dogs, it will keep them safe.

Val and Robin Shortt are experienced campers and own three outdoor websites. For more tips like these and to register for their Free newsletter visit:Good Night Camping Equipment



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