
Pets Information

Is your Dog Malnourished?

Americans are more concerned about health than ever before, so we should also have an equal amount of concern for our pets ..

How To Care For your Pet Dog

He will be there by your side, as your loving companion - he will offer you protection if ever the need arises. Pet dog owners in turn must know how to look after their pet dog, and be responsible for it.

How to Raise a Healthy Kitten

Selecting a Kitten It is best to choose your kitten from the whole litter, choose the frisky playful, friendly kitten that is confident and happy to approach you rather than the one that hangs back and is shy. The best time to take your kitten home is between 7 and 8 weeks old.

Reuniting Lost Pets With Their Owners

Losing a family pet can be a traumatic experience, especially on children who are close to the lost pet. But, one in three pet owners fail to take the steps needed to ensure that this tragedy does not occur in their home.

Canine Distemper

What is Canine Distemper?Canine distemper is a highly contagios disease caused by a virus (paramyxovirus) which attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervus systems of dogs. Although dogs are the most commonly affected, Canine Distemper is also seen in foxes, ferrets, mink and many other carnivores.

Is Your Dog Fat?

Obesity is one of the greatest health concerns facing dogs. You can and should do something about it.

What Type Of Food Should You Really Feed Your Cat?

What should you feed your cat to make sure he or she will have the necessary nutrition? What is the ideal mix of food to help your cat live to the limit of it's life span?Tp answer these questions, one should look at the diet of a feline in it's natural habitat. In the wild, a cat eats almost exclusively animal tissue.

Whats In Your Dog Food?

According to holistic veternarian Dr. Jane Bicks, the maximum life span of dogs is estimated to be around 25 to 30 years, yet the average dog generally lives no longer than about 13 to 14 years.

Canine Infectious Hepatitis

What is Canine Infectious Hepatitis?The word hepatitis refers to an inflamation of the liver. First reported in 1947, Canine Infectious Hepatitis (CIH), is a caused by canine adenovirus.

Grapes, Nuts, and Your Dogs Health -- Foods that Fido should Avoid

"Magoo was a big, playful Labrador retriever who often got himself into sticky situations..

Mind-Set: The Second Of 6 Keys To Building A Life Long Partnership With Your Horse

Your mind-set, approach and way of thinking (beliefs) are critical to building trust and a lasting relationship with your horse. Your mind-set is the first thing you must scrutinize and work to understand in developing skills in horsemanship.

Dog House Training

Dog House Training can be simpleTo start your dog house training, the first thing you'll need to do is buy your best pet friend a nice dog training collar, lead and dog crate. You should choose one made of nylon or soft leather.

Chances Of A Lost Pet Being Recovered Increase

Every day we are looking for ways to make our life better, this includes protecting our families, and also included is the family pet. This once wild animal has become a domesticated pet and also become an integral part of the modern family, and there are many laws devoted to stopping abuses to animals.

Dog doors - dog and owner reprieve

Buying dog doors onlineIf you need to buy a dog door then have some fun doing it online. Not only will you find discount prices but you'll have a huge selection of colors, designs, shapes, sizes and multiple features you haven't even thought about.

Canine Bloat

What is Canine Bloat?Bloat refers to the bloating of the stomach. Essentially it is a build up of gas in the stomach which is unable to be released.

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But My Pet Will Never Run Away (or Why We Need Licenses)
The city I live in just increased its fees for dog and cat licenses. It's now $30 a year for unneutered/unsprayed pets and $20 a year for sprayed/neutered pets.
Choosing the Right Size for Your Dog
Dog fashions are all the rage and have become quite affordable for anyone and everyone to enjoy with their dog, but not everyone knows the best ways to find their dog's size or how a garment should fit to avoid accidents. Choosing the right size for your dog is very important, we always want our pets to be safe and feel comfortable in whatever they wear.
Are Your Fish Sick?
Keeping a fish tank is a wonderful and relaxing hobby, but it can turn stressful if your fish start to die off. The most common cause of fish disease is poor water quality so it is vital that you perform regular maintenance on the tank, making sure you do a partial water change periodically and clean out any waste or uneaten food so it does not decay and poison the water.
A Dog Day Care Business Can Be A Lot of Fun!
If you love dogs and you enjoy making money then a dog day care business may be a very good fit for you!Let me ask you a question, "Can you imagine starting your very own dog day care business?" If you asked yourself that question and still aren't sure, let me give you a bit of dog day care business advice..
Animal Communicator
I have a business card burning a hole in my Rolodex. It's from an animal communicator.
Vet Check - Well-Bird Check Up
I know there are differing opinions on the subject of well-bird check ups. Some people believe in having your apparently healthy parrot checked out once a year by a qualified avian vet, while others claim that taking a health bird into a vet office exposes them to "germies" they might not otherwise be exposed to.
You Must Train Your Dog From A Young Age
The best thing to do is to start training your new puppy as soon as you get him home. You need to teach your puppy your rules, and how you expect him to behave starting from a very early age.
West Highland Terrier Rescue Dog - What To Expect When You Bring It Home
Congratulations on your choice to bring home a West Highland Terrier rescue dog. By electing to adopt one of the rescued Westies, you are giving an older dog a chance to find a loving new homeIn many ways, this is simpler than going through the arduous process of training a westie terrier puppy.
Crate Training Tips: How to Crate Train Your Dog
A crate is a valuable and useful training tool. Its main purpose is to provide security, safety and protection for short term confinement while training a puppy or new dog about its own and house boundaries.
RecoveryPets.Com Helps Recover Lost Pets
Making our lives better includes protecting our families, and also included in this category is the family pet. This once wild animal has become an integral part of the modern family, and there are many laws devoted to stopping abuses to pets.
Achieving Dog Training Success With The 18 Donts Rules
A well-train dog usually leads a happier and healthier life and its owner also can enjoy a trouble-free life long companion. Dog training - basic obedience, house and potty training are therefore essential and important to a dog's education.
Bark Collars: Stop Unwanted Dog Barking
Bark CollarsMany pet owners become lost as to what to do when their dog is barking and nothing seems to stop him. Maybe it doesn't even bother the pet owner himself, but the neighbors are complaining.
One Of The Benefits Of Using RecoveryPets.Com
One of the benefits of registering your pet with a pet recovery service is that in the event your pet should ever become lost, the finder can get information to contact the owner.The main drawback to many of these services is that they use the information currently located on the pet tag to register the pet, and by doing this, the finder of the pet does not have a place to go to view the owners contact information.
Understanding Psychology Of Dog Training: Pack Behavior & Establishing Control
Dogs are descendent of wolves. To study the psychology of dog training and understand the pack hierarchal system of dogs, we must go back and examine their ancestor - wolves.
Practical Advice for Adopting a Dog
If you are thinking of adding a dog to your family, consider adopting your new best friend from an animal shelter or humane society. You'll not only get a good feeling from helping a homeless pet, you'll get an outstanding companion.
Dog doors - dog and owner reprieve
Buying dog doors onlineIf you need to buy a dog door then have some fun doing it online. Not only will you find discount prices but you'll have a huge selection of colors, designs, shapes, sizes and multiple features you haven't even thought about.
The Wire Fox Terrier
Of the thirty-three terrier breeds (most of which were first used for hunting of some sort and so came up as aggressive and lively), the Wire Fox Terrier has a reputation for scampishness. That is, the breed with the challenging personality that has been identified throughout its history as being as foxy as the fox it was once used to hunt.
Beds for Smaller Dogs
All puppies are small dogs - some, however, won't be small for very long. You have to know how big your dog is going to be when it is fully grown before you can buy it a bed of its own, unless, that is, you don't mind buying your beloved canine friend a new bed every six months or so for several years.
Guinea Pig History
Their scientific name is Cavia Tschuldi and their nickname in South America where they were first discovered, is"Cavy. As you might have guessed Guinea Pigs are rodents.
Are You Feeding Your Cat The Right Food?
What should you feed your cat to make sure he or she will have the necessary nutrition? What is the ideal mix of food to help your cat live to the limit of it's life span?To answer these questions, one should look at the diet of a feline in it's natural habitat. In the wild, a cat eats almost exclusively animal tissue.