
Pets Information

Glow Light Tetra - A Lovely and Peaceful Member of Your Community Tank

Brings live to your community tanksMany freshwater fish-keepers have a warm spot in their heart for a little fish with a big name, the 1 ˝-inch hemigrammus erythrozonus? or mush easier to say, the glowlight tetra. Like its little cousin, the neon tetra, the glowlight is an easy fish to keep in a community tank.

Preparing Your Home For a New Puppy

While excitement and anticipation will be at the top of the list when bringing home a new puppy for the first time, preparing for his arrival should rank highly on the list. Just as you would have to prepare a home when you have a toddler, pet owners also have to take certain precautions when "puppy-proofing.

Dog Hygiene Basics

Giving your dog a bath is important, but not as critical as most people seem to believe. If your dog is healthy, he really doesn't need to be bathed more that once every few months, but most of us put them in the tub or under the hose more often to get rid of that doggie smell and look shinier.

Mabeke: Gorilla Teacher

Mabeke is a young gorilla who was born in captivity and then returned to the wild with several other gorillas of similar birth. I had an opportunity to meet Mabeke during one of the workshops I teach in Telepathic Communication with Animals.

Choosing the Right Dog Breeder

When looking to purchase a purebred dog, you need to search for a breeder from which to purchase the creature. This can typically be as simple as opening the advertising part of your local newspaper, however you need to be sure that you're choosing a reputable breeder.

Rescue Dogs

We have all grown up with at least one hero in our life, but how many people can call their hero Duke or Spot? The answer- anyone who has had their life saved by a rescue dog.Whether it is a house fire, tornado rubble, leftovers from an earthquake, or flowing water behind a hurricane front, these specially trained rescue dogs rush in with no concerns for their own welfare, pulling out victims, some dead and some still alive.

How To Get Your Pet To Strike The Pose: Tips For Photographing Your Pet

If you have ever tried to take a picture of your dog, you will realize how hard it is to capture the pups full personality and beauty in a photograph. Dogs aren't human, and they don't understand what we are doing when we try to take their photo.

Rabbits As Pets

Rabbits are one of the most popular pets, apart from dogs and cats. They look attractive, lovely, gentle, friendly and cute.

How To Avoid Bad Doggy Behavior, And Teach Your Puppy Some Manners

A poorly trained dog can embarrass its owner and offend other people - or even make them feel threatened.Teaching your dog some manners is just common-sense.

Horse Care & Training Tips

Do you own a horse? If so, then you have questions about the care, feeding, shoeing, cost, etc. of horse ownership.

Does Your Bichon Frise Eat His Own Poop?

Hi,I'm Janet CombsMy mother bred and raised Bichon Frises for 23 years. I have been a Bichon Frise breeder for 13 years.

What Rabbit Noises Mean

a) GrowlingIf your rabbit growls or grunts at you, she is upset with something and probably something is bothering her. Maybe she's angry that you're poking your hand into her cage, and she doesn't want you in her territory.

Keeping Your Cat Healthy

Cats need only be provided with decent shelter, food and water and they will be quite healthy most of the time. Like any other living thing, however, they can get sick and can come down with anything from a minor cold to a major ailment.

Decorating for The Cat Owner - How to Protect Your Possessions

The first thing a cat owner should know about home décor is to keep it simple. Cats are completely convinced that they are in charge, that the house and its possessions belong to them, and that they have every right to break rip or shred anything they like.

Do You Enjoy Watching Your Dog Wear Handmade Dog Scarfs Just To Suit Their Personality?

Yes! We love our wonderful and dear Pooches! We care for them so much that we love to dress them up in all sorts of dog clothing. Take for instance, a handmade Dog Scarf.

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Training Your Dog
Training your dog can be time consuming and frustrating at times, but it's well worth it. Here are several tips that should help things go much smoother and faster.
Secret Signal That Tells You Your Dog is Ready and Eager to Learn
No one knows your dog better than you, and as such you will find your dog has ways of telling you, it's time to play. This can occur by him bringing you the collar you use while training or he may run back and forth to the front dog around training time.
Introducing a New Kitten to Your Older Cat.
So, you read somewhere that introducing a new kitten into your home could be great for your existing cat, for companionship. And you remember how much fun your cat was when she was a new kitten, and you would love to re-live those days.
Why Build Your Own Reptile Cage?
When I first started my interest in reptiles I was only young. At that stage of my life I had little or no skills and did not understand the requirements of the wonderful creatures so I did not keep them effectively.
Putting A Dog To Sleep
I was talking to a friend of mine today and I asked him how his kids (dogs) were. He lives on his own and the standing joke is - "does he want to do a swap with his dogs and my kids?"He informed me very sadly that he had to get the older dog put to sleep.
Dog Beds for Larger Dogs
Large dogs and extra large dogs require more thought and planning when owners purchase a permanent dog bed. Even though large dogs can be just as lovable as their smaller canine counterparts, they require a more complex sleeping situation than small dogs.
The Cat Learned How to Work the WHAT?
When I carried him home, he was this tiny little bundle of fur, approximately three weeks old. He is mostly white, with some mutlicolored stripes, cute beyond belief, but he was being abused and starved at his current home, so I just couldn't leave him there.
Wormy Dogs? - Understand Dog Worms Infestation and Their Symptoms
Until a very recent period, dog worms were thought to be of a spontaneous origin, brought about by the influence of heat upon decaying vegetable matter, and it was and still is freely asserted that puppies are born with dog worms inherited from the mother in some mysterious manner while still in uterus. This has been conclusively proven an error and in the minds of all scientists there is no question about dog worms springing from individual eggs and having a complete life history of their own.
The Benefits of Large Birdcages
We've all heard the phrase, "Free as a bird." In the wild, birds are free, flying from tree to tree in effortless abandon.
Growing Adult Brine Shrimp
General Info.Brine shrimps, or artemia, are a zooplankton used mainly as fry food, but they can also be grown to about 20 mm (0.
How to Keep Your Cat Free from Diseases with Your Quick Guide to Cat Grooming
Even a cat that compulsively cleans itself can benefit from a little grooming from her owner. Cats rarely need a bath, but frequent brushing removes a lot of loose hair which would otherwise end up either shed around your home or swallowed by the cat, creating constipating hairballs.
Dog Training - How To Win Your Dogs Confidence
Settling a puppy into a new home successful is often easier than an older dog because a young dog will adapt more willingly to joining what is, in effect, a new pack.Even so, it's usually possible to win the confidence of older dogs so that they will adapt well to their new environment, although this will require more patience.
Decorating for The Cat Owner - How to Protect Your Possessions
The first thing a cat owner should know about home décor is to keep it simple. Cats are completely convinced that they are in charge, that the house and its possessions belong to them, and that they have every right to break rip or shred anything they like.
Top Five Dog Breeds for Homes with Children
Top five dog breeds for homes with children* Beagle * Bernese Mountain Dog * Bichon Frise * Bloodhound * Boston Terrier * Boxer * Brittany Spaniel * Bulldog * Coonhound * English Setter * Foxhound * Gordon Setter * Irish Setter * Keeshond * Labrador Retriever * Mastiff * Newfoundland * Pugs * Samoyed * Siberian Husky * Springer Spaniel * Standard Poodles * VizslaWith proper training of both the children and the dog, any one of the above breeds should be able to adapt without many problems. Of course, there are some individuals, both human and canine, that simply refuse to get along.
Dog Aggressive Training: Understand & Eliminate Your Dogs Aggressive Behavior
Aggression behavior in a dog is a normal form of canine communication similar to human frustration or anger. Like human, aggressive behavior occurs in every dog.
Dog Vaccinations - What You Need to Know to Protect Your Dog
Almost all communities in the U.S.
Pet Doors: Giving Your Pet Freedom to Come and Go as They Please Helps Solve Behavior Problems
Pet DoorsAre you considering installing a pet door for your pet? If so, you are in luck. Pet doors are becoming more common and more available.
Canine Arthritis Medicine
Before you decide to give your dog canine arthritis medicine you should understand what arthritis is and why medication will ease your dog's symptoms.Arthritis in dogs is just like in humans, it is when a joint becomes inflamed.
Adopt A Pet
In order to add love and affection to their lives, many people look into where they can adopt a pet. A number of neglected and deserted animals end up in shelters that house them until someone is looking to adopt a pet or the shelter can no longer care for them.
History of Dogs? Or Maybe Wolves?
OriginDo you know that the adorable little puppy you bought home last week could possibly be a descendent of a wolf? It may well be true! In fact, many theorists believe that wolf is the direct ancestors of domestic dog. Nevertheless, there are just as many who argue that it seems impossible to have over 400 varieties of dogs descended from just one species.