
Pets Information

Dog Tricks: Understanding Your Dogs Capabilities Before You Teach Buddy New Tricks

The performing of dog tricks, while not a necessary part of a dog's education, is an accomplishment that offer dog owners and his friends a great deal of amusement and adds materially to the value of a dog.All dogs can be taught tricks, but some breeds have a special aptitude in that direction.

The One Dog Trick That All Dogs Must Know - The Hand Shake Trick

The first dog trick that is generally taught a dog is to shake hands, and there are very few puppy and dog owners who do not teach their pets this simple trick.In most cases it is so easily accomplished that the amateur trainer does not know exactly how it was done, for if you take hold of a dog's paw and say "paw" or "shake" and repeat the performance often enough and at odd times, it will be the most natural thing for a dog to place his paw in your hand as soon as you extend it and he hears the word "paw," to which he has become accustomed.

"Sit Up" Buddy: Training Your Dog To Sit Like You

The trick of "sitting up" is easily taught to small dogs, but should try not be included in a big dog's education, as it is difficult for them to preserve their balance.The training of sitting up is one of the first tricks to teach and forms the groundwork for many other dog tricks.

Shut The Door Buddy: Simple Dog Tricks To Teach and Impress

The shutting and opening door trick can be taught to all dog breeds. The only consideration maybe would be asking small size dogs to close large or heavy doors which are beyond their physical capabilities.

"On Trust" & "Paid For": One of the Oldest Dog Tricks that Never Fail to Entertain

"On Trust" & "Paid For" for are one of the oldest dog tricks that afford as much entertainment as anything a dog can do since the early 1900s. It is not the easiest trick to be taught but can be elaborated on and presented in several different forms to impress most people.

Train Your Buddy To "Walk" & "Dance" - Warning: Not All Dogs Can Do It!

Standing and walking on the hind legs are tricks that put an abnormal strain upon the muscles of the back and hind legs and most dogs require considerable practice before they gain sufficient control of those muscles to balance themselves in this unnatural position.Before you rush into teaching this trick, bear in mind that not all dogs can do this trick, especially the big dogs such as St.

Training Your Dog To Jump The Rope Trick: Simple and Fun Dog Trick

To teach a dog to jump, with your right hand hold a cane just high enough above the ground so that your dog can easily step over it, and in your left hand hold a piece of treat just in front of him, so that he will have to step over the stick to get it. As the dog grows older and understands what you want him to do, you can raise the stick a few inches at a time, so that he will be obliged eventually to jump over it to obtain the reward.

Dog Trick To Cure A Nuisance Barker: Training Buddy to "Speak" on Command

All breeds and sizes of dogs can be taught easily to speak, and the way to go about it is to call your dog, show him a treat and say "Speak." He will not understand what you mean and will probably at first jump for it, and then sit down and eye it attentively; finally, he will get impatient and utter a sharp bark, which is what you have been waiting for, and the instant he does so reward him with the treat.

Interesting Old Dog Tricks: For Dog Owners Looking For Fun & Laughter

The teaching and training of dog tricks while not a necessary part of a dog's education, is an achievement that offer dog owners and his friends a great deal of amusement and adds materially to the value of a dog.Training your dog tricks can be difficult and frustrating if you cannot achieve the results you want.

Understanding Dog Fleas: How Fleas Breed & Affect Your Dogs Health

Fleas belong to the insect order Siphonaptera. They are common pests and may attack many mammals, including man.


Oscar is kind of a funny name and it fit you. Other than a Dachshund, I had never seen a two-foot long dog with such short legs.

Dog Flea Control Management: How To Prevent, Treat, And Kill Dog Fleas

Dog flea control and management requires an integrated approach. For effective treatment both the host animal and the environment must be treated at the same time.

Achieving Dog Training Success With The 18 Donts Rules

A well-train dog usually leads a happier and healthier life and its owner also can enjoy a trouble-free life long companion. Dog training - basic obedience, house and potty training are therefore essential and important to a dog's education.

What About a Newfoundland Dog

Ok, so everyone who stays on top of the show dog world knows that a Newfoundland won Best in Show at the Westminster Dog Show in 2004. That was a shock to many of the traditionalists who think that the smaller and more assertive dogs are the ideal and drool does not belong on the show floor.

Dog Jewelry: A Celebration of Mans Best Friend

"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent.

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Dog Obedience Training
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Canine Distemper
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Dog Training - How To Win Your Dogs Confidence
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Does Your Dog Bite? How to Protect Your Dog and Yourself from Liability
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The Fun of Do It Yourself Snake and other Reptile Cages
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Pet Friendly Vacations - 10 Tips for Hassle-Free Travel with Your Pet
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Your Purrrfect Companion
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Are You Ready for a Boxer?
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Old Fashioned Flea Control
Fleas have plagued dogs, cats, and their owners since time began so ways to kill or repel them has been a constant search. Today, with the shake of a can, the spray of a bottle, or a flea dip fleas are more easily controlled.
Clicker Training For Dogs: Positive Reinforcement Training
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What Are The 6 Keys To Building A Life Long Partnership With Your Horse?
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Determining Skin Disorders In The Aquarium
Many different skin problems can arise in the aquarium. thankfully, through careful observation on a daily basis, they can be diagnosed and treated.
Quality Dog Food Is Essential For The Health Of Dogs
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First Aid for Felines - How to Keep Your Car Safe from Harm
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How to Housebreak Your Dog or Puppy
Dogs are creatures of habit; and once they develop a habit, breaking it can be a long, frustrating process. Your dog needs guidance and encouragement from you to develop a toilet habit you can live with.
Identifying and Treating Health Problems in Your Dog
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