
Pets Information

Five Fast Facts About the Cavalier King Charlies Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are not cheap. On average you can expect to pay $2,000-$3,000 for one.

Broken Trust

The large animal organizations and the public money.It is said that in America, anything the imagination can conjure up can be attained with persistence.

5 Things You Must Do If You Want To Create a First Aid Kit For Your Family

1. Accidents and medical emergencies in the home happen frequently.

Alarm Clock Kitty, How to Stop Early Morning Meowing

Meow! Meow! Meow! I bury my head underneath my pillow. Meow! Meow! Meoooooow! The high pitched meowing persists and penetrates through my feather stuffed shield.

Small Dog Travel Guide

Advice!!!-Pet products that are useful, fun and enjoyable will make the pet and owner equally happy, thus taking the time to search for the right products are important.-Treats are a good way to relieve stress and fight boredom during long periods of sitting and waiting around inside a small dog carrier.

Which Parrot is Right For Me?

Which parrot is right for me? This is a question that you must ask yourself before you think of keeping these lovely birds as pets. It is as important as your decision to have a child.

5 Surefire Ways to Show Your Dog You're The Boss

You Must Be The Alpha DogFirst, let's take a look at what a "pack mentality" means. Dogs are born into packs - in the wild, packs are the essential social order.

How To Choose A Professional Dog Trainer

1.) Versatility- A good dog trainer will use techniques and training styles which are compatible with your dog's temperament.

5 Tips For Choosing the Best Vet For Your Dog

Find a vet, if possible, who specializes in small animals (as opposed to one who treats large and small - like horses, cows, cats and dogs.) Your community may only have vets that do a little bit of everything - and there's nothing wrong with that, if that's all that's available, but I'll remind you - you usually go to a specialist for your health issues, don't you?If you're new in the community, or haven't needed a vet before - word of mouth is a great way to start looking for a new vet.

The 7 Stages of Puppy Development

Let's take a look at the different stages, but before we do, keep in mind that these stages are generalizations - each dog will progress at its own pace.Stage 1: The Transitional Stage 2-3 WeeksThe Transitional stage generally lasts from age two to three weeks, and it's during this time that your puppy's eyes will open, and he'll slowly start to respond to light and movement and sounds around him.

Mosquitoes Are a Hazard to Your Pets Health Too

None of us likes to be bitten by mosquitoes and sometimes it is easy to forget that our pets suffer from mosquito bites too.Mosquitoes feed on blood, and they will take it where they can find it.

Introduction To House Training

The information in this article is based on the successful crate training method. Crate training is not cruel.

Need a Low-Maintenance Pet? Try a Tarantula!

If you're like me, then you don't really have the luxury of keeping a high-maintenance pet such as a dog. Even a less demanding pet such as a cat might be beyond your time constraints.

7 Tips To Keep Your Pet Safe On Halloween

Why Does My Cat Drink Dirty Water?

You know that cats should always have a supply of water, especially if you are feeding them dried food. There on your nice clean kitchen floor is a bowl of nice clean fresh water, in a nice clean bowl.

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Love of Horses
My love of horses began at the age of 11 when I worked every summer at a ranch. My twin brother and I would walk about ten miles a day in circles taking children on pony rides.
5 Ways to Pamper Your Parrot
We are all busy these days and I know it's hard to meet all the demands in your life. But, it's time for a breather.
10 Greatest Puppy Training Tips of All Time
The 10 Greatest Puppy Training Tips of All Time According to Dog Training Experts10) When trying to settle a puppy into a new home, providing them with a warm hot water bottle and placing a ticking clock in the room where they sleep will help to replicate the body heat and heartbeat of their litter mates and can really help them to relax in their new environment.9) When taking your puppy to the Vet for its first inoculations, health checks etc, it is good practice to sit with your puppy on your lap and not have him or her on the floor.
Pros and Cons of Buying Pet Medicine Online
Pets are many things in many ways but they are not responsible. Not outside of very limited doggy parameters.
America; You Are Over Feeding Your Pets
As many of you know America is serious about our pets. You and I are also equally as serious.
How to Housebreak Your Dog or Puppy
Dogs are creatures of habit; and once they develop a habit, breaking it can be a long, frustrating process. Your dog needs guidance and encouragement from you to develop a toilet habit you can live with.
Dog Lover Gifts
Whether you are searching for something to say "Happy Birthday" or "Merry Christmas" a dog owner will agree that dog lover gifts are always among those most cherished and appreciated.Many times, a dog lover's gift is designed with a specific breed in mind; among the various popular breeds owned include the following:Beagles Boston Terriers Chihuahuas Bulldogs Jack Russell Terriers Pugs Golden Retrievers Poodles Dachshunds Shih-Tzu The type of dog an owner has often is a reflection of their personality; thus it shouldn't be too difficult selecting a dog lover gift that is well suited for Fido and Fido's parents.
Down On The Farm
As I listen on my long drive to my grandpa's farm, I begin to hit that little corner that always takes me back in time. I now live in town or the city, but my roots run deep, back in time I go to that little community I once lived in, where I grew up, where I was raised.
Syrian vs. Dwarf Hamsters, What Should I Get For My Family?
As pets go hamsters are fairly easy to take care of. Hamsters require no walking, are not particularly dirty or stinky, they are small and don't take up much space and are generally inexpensive.
Dog Jewelry: A Celebration of Mans Best Friend
"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent.
Cats Make Great Pets If You Understand Them
Anyone wanting a new kitten should be a cat lover. Let's face it, folks, cats are just different from dogs.
The 7 Stages of Puppy Development
Let's take a look at the different stages, but before we do, keep in mind that these stages are generalizations - each dog will progress at its own pace.Stage 1: The Transitional Stage 2-3 WeeksThe Transitional stage generally lasts from age two to three weeks, and it's during this time that your puppy's eyes will open, and he'll slowly start to respond to light and movement and sounds around him.
Are You Feeding Your Cat The Right Food?
What should you feed your cat to make sure he or she will have the necessary nutrition? What is the ideal mix of food to help your cat live to the limit of it's life span?To answer these questions, one should look at the diet of a feline in it's natural habitat. In the wild, a cat eats almost exclusively animal tissue.
The 5 Things You Should Know Before Breeding Cats
The cat population is astronomical. Most experts agree that average cat owners should spay their cat, not breed.
Canine Diabetes - Does Your Dog Have it?
Canine Diabetes: A Serious Dog Disease That is Completely ManageableCanine diabetes is a serious disease that causes there to be too much glucose in the blood. If your pet has any of the signs, a dog health exam will help you find out with certainty.
Too Many Cats?
Cats are becoming increasingly popular as pets these days, and a big question is, how many cats should a family have? For some people, one is more than enough, others have half a dozen or more. Here are some sure- fire ways to know when you've reached your limit.
Helping Your Pets Cope With The Stress Caused By Loud Noise
Which is the noisiest species of all? Nope, not the lions, or the elephants, or the geese? it's us, humans. Our voices were not enough, we started making music and creating musical instruments to help us being louder.
Discover: How to Prevent Dog Bites Case
Of all the aggressive behavior in dogs dog bites is the most serious. However no matter how serious it may be you can contain it if you are able to diagnose the cause of this aggressive dog behavior.
Our Childrens Story
One we must regrettably share with our children for they most certainly will find out on their own.PREFACE:We hope they learn from our foibles stemming from ignorance, apathy and politics.
What Your Cat Wants You To Know
If your feline friend could speak your language, here a few things she would probably like you to know.1) I am the boss of you.