
Pets Information

*Understanding* - The First Of The 6 Keys To Building A Life Long Partnership With Your Horse

Yesterday we talked a little about the 6 Keys for a Life Long Partnership with your horse, today I would like to visit with you about the first key, *Understanding.*Have you ever wondered why your horse acts like he does how he thinks and moves? If so, then you need to understand the prey-predator relationship, but before we start it's important that you understand, if your going to effectively communicate with horses you need to *think like horses*.

Build A Better Mousetrap, And People Will Buy It

This is an old saying that many of us have grown up hearing since we were children, but the problem is improving on an invention that has been around for years. This is especially true for simple inventions like the common pet identification tag, or dog tag as it is normally referred too as.

Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD)

What is Canine Hip Dysplasia?Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD) is a congenital disease that mainly affects large breed dogs. The word "dysplasia" means improper growth.

Dog Training - Early Training Is Essential

Dogs are a fantastic edition to any family but like all youngsters they need training. If you do not train your puppy now it will take a serious amount of help from a training school to get him to be obedient later on.

How I Get More Training Done On My Horses In 1/2 The Time

Here's a simple way..

Afraid To Buy A Horse At Public Auction?

Here are 5 things to do to put the odds of getting a good horse in your favor.Let me share a short story with you about public horse auctions and my friend Jack.

Puppy Crate Training -- Fast Track to a Contented Dog

Puppy crate training is one of the most effective ways to housebreak your new puppy.Puppy crate training takes a little patience, but it's a good way to set your puppy on the right path.

Puppy Vaccines Assure Wagging Tails and Wet Noses

When you get a new puppy it is imperative that he receive all his proper puppy vaccines. These protect him from getting diseases if he becomes exposed to them.

Five Powerful Reasons Why Owning A Pet Could Make You Live Longer

You may have heard that pets have been scientifically proven to increase your chances of living to a ripe old age. Well the rumour is true, but how exactly is it possible you may be wondering.

Westie Rescue Centres

The aim of a Westie rescue centre such as the one at: http://www.westierescuescheme.

Good Dog Care Is Vital

Dog careAccepting responsibility of your new pet friend is truly serious business. Caring for your new best pet friend is rewarding with that I feel good feeling.

Separation Anxiety in Dogs

What is Separation Anxiety?When you leave the house, it is nice to know that your dog goes to his favorite spot and sleeps peacefully until you return. However dogs suffering from separation anxiety are not so lucky.

Protecting the Smallest Member of Your Family: A Step-by-step Guide to Pet Insurance

Let's face it - Fido and Fluffy are an important part of your family. Do you want to have to assign a dollar value to them if they become sick or injured?That may well be the case if you don't have pet health insurance.

Dog Training Collars -- Proper Selection Leads To Training Success

The proper selection of a training collar can have a significant impact on the success of any dog training program. Most new dog trainers make the mistake of choosing a dog collar that does not allow for adequate control during the training sessions.

What Dog Owners Need To Know About Dog Crate Training

Why should you use the dog crate training method?Is the dog crate training method humane?You may look at a dog crate and find it doesn't inspire much confidence. Don't be too quick to judge, the dog training method is highly effective.

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What You Should Never Feed Your Dog
Unfortunately, there are a number of household items which we tend to take for granted that are potentially very dangerous to your dog's health. It is especially important to be aware of this because as you know, dogs are essentially scavengers and will often eat just about anything they can sink their fangs into.
Good Dog Care Is Vital
Dog careAccepting responsibility of your new pet friend is truly serious business. Caring for your new best pet friend is rewarding with that I feel good feeling.
DOG ID TAGS-Identify and Protect Your Dog With Any of These Methods
The American Humane Society estimated that last year alone; fifteen million dogs entered its shelters. Not even twenty percent of these dogs' owners were ever contacted.
Ten Tips for Caring for Your Betta Fish
Betta fish, also called Siamese fighting fish are one of the most popular types of fish found in homes across the world. Their vibrant color and active lifestyle seems to draw in fish fanatics as well as those who have never had fish before.
Horse Training Techniques From The 1800s
Was he the world's greatest horse trainer of all time? Would his picture be in the horse trainer's Hall Of Fame? Perhaps.His name was Jesse Beery.
Float a Horses Teeth -- What Does that Mean and Why is it Necessary?
So what does it mean to float a horse's teeth? I'm sure you've heard this a time or two (if you haven't, sooner or later you will from another horse owner or from your vet), and if you're like me, you imagined for the longest time what this could possibly mean and wondered what it involved.To float a horse's teeth certainly sounds funny, too.
Three Important Litter Box Considerations
There are three important litter box considerations to account for whether you're a new kitten owner, or someone who has had a cat for a while. If kitty isn't happy with any or all three of these, you may find she'll start urinating outside the box.
Lyme Disease in Dogs
It is hard to get an early diagnosis of lyme disease in animals including your own dog. The first sign of lyme disease in humans is a rash, well; animals do not develop this rash.
Crate Training Your Puppy
Teaching your puppy crate training is the first and best step in his life. It makes all the other steps in his training go so much smoother, much like a solid foundation makes for a superior wall.
Pilling a Cat
Pilling a cat can be a "nightmarish" experience. Cats don't want something pushed down their throats, and they'll fight with all their might to prevent it.
Bringing Home a Puppy - Be Prepared!
So you just loved that sweet little puppy that you found in the pet shop. It will keep you company, and give you kisses, and guard your valuables.
Does Your Dog Have Fleas?
Itch, itch. Scratch, scratch, scratch.
Dog Grooming and Dog Care
Dog grooming is relatively simple for most dogs. I have a greyhound and spend about 5 minutes per day on dog grooming.
Saving Ginger From Being Put To Sleep - Part 2
The Story Continues..
10 Reasons Why Your Cat Loves You
There are plenty of reasons why your cat loves you. Ten of the main reasons are listed below.
Boston Terrier - The Costs Of Owning A Boston Terrier
Having a dog is a little like having a baby. Before you rush out to the nearest breeder or shelter you must consider the costs of ensuring that your new pet remains contented and happy with his home life.
Dog Aggressive Training: Understand & Eliminate Your Dogs Aggressive Behavior
Aggression behavior in a dog is a normal form of canine communication similar to human frustration or anger. Like human, aggressive behavior occurs in every dog.
What You Need to Know Before Adopting an Older Dog
Newer doesn't always mean better.Adopting an older dog may be a decision based on you or your family's lifestyle.
Pet Services Are A Multi-Billion-Dollar Industry
There are many of us who consider our pets as part of the family, and this is evidenced by a recent statistic that states 65% of all U.S.
Sugar Gliders, Pocket Pets
Many people are searching for different means to have pets. Dogs and cats are not always the best choice of pets for everyone.