
Pets Information

A Pregnant Stray Cat Adopted You - And Now What?

It happens all too often. A family or cat friend gets adopted by a stray cat.

The Wonderful Siamese Cat

This mysterious cat is originally from the country of Siam, now known as Thailand. Siamese cats were highly esteemed by generations of Siamese monarchs, even to the extent that they resided in the royal palace.

Why Cats Flip For Catnip

If you've ever watched as a cat "flipped" over fresh catnip perhaps you've been struck with the question; "what causes Catnip to affect cats that way?" Catnip is indeed an unusual phenomenon among cats, it has the ability to alter your cat's behavior like nothing else can. So what exactly is the reason for what scientists have coined as "the Catnip effect"?Unfortunately for such inquisitive minds the exact reason of why Catnip affects cats in such a manner remains mostly a mystery.

Pet-Rabbit Information - What Is Domesticated Rabbits? How To Care For Your Pet-Rabbit?

Domesticated rabbits are one of the most popular pets, apart from dogs and cats. They look attractive, lovely, gentle, friendly and cute.

How to Ensure that Your Cat is Healthy and Lives a Long and Happy Life

Incredible advances in veterinary medicine are making it possible for cats to live longer, healthier lives than ever before. The quality of your cat's health is the result of a partnership between you and your veterinarian.

How to Make Your Cats Life, and YOUR Life, Happier - Training Your Cat

Imagine that you are scolding your cat for scratching at your new furniture, and Kitty is sitting staring at you. Suddenly you realize how silly you look and how futile your scolding is.

You Can Help Reduce the Number of Unwanted Cats - Spaying and Neutering of Cats

Every year, hundreds of thousands of cats and kittens are destroyed because they are unwanted. Animal shelters that take in these animals and try to find them homes are overcrowded.

Make Your Home Cat-Safe - How To Keep Your Cat Happy and Healthy

* Lock things up that could cause harm* Keep the washer/dryer door closed at all times* Honk the car horn before starting it up* Use fire carefully* Keep all upstairs windows closed or screened* Store string away tidily* Keep floors free of small things* Be constantly aware of what your cat is doingCuriosity gets most cats in trouble at some point in their lives. As your cat's caregiver, keeping her safe sometimes seems like a "mission impossible.

How To Keep Your Cat Happy and Healthy - Playtime for Kitty

While dogs tend to get lots of exercise, cats are often left to their own devices, having to find their own ways of exercising if they are kept indoors.Cats have gone from working animals to creatures of leisure.

How to Keep Your Cat Free from Diseases with This Quick Guide to Cat Parasites

Parasites are organisms that survive by feeding off of other creatures. Among cats, parasites generally feed on the animal's blood.

How to Keep Your Cat Free from Diseases with Your Quick Guide to Cat Grooming

Even a cat that compulsively cleans itself can benefit from a little grooming from her owner. Cats rarely need a bath, but frequent brushing removes a lot of loose hair which would otherwise end up either shed around your home or swallowed by the cat, creating constipating hairballs.

Dog Training Basics

All positive commands should be spoken sharply and distinctly during training. Make sure you also use a positive tone.

How to Teach YOUR Cat to Use a Litter Box - Secrets to Litter Tray Success

Even the most dedicated cat lover has little patience with a cat that doesn't use its litter box. Yet, patience is the key to creating litter box success.

Ensure a Good Relationship Between Your Cat and Your Kids

Many parents know that the best way for children to learn compassion and the importance of keeping commitments is by helping to care for a pet. Children learn from watching the adults in their lives.

Ensure a Good Relationship Between Your Cat and Your Kids

Many parents know that the best way for children to learn compassion and the importance of keeping commitments is by helping to care for a pet. Children learn from watching the adults in their lives.

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5 Tips For Feeding A Happy, Healthy Dog
Do you really know all there is to know about your canine companion's nutritional needs? Many pet owners think they're doing what's best for their dogs when it comes to food, but in reality they rely on pure instinct more than science. Nutrition isn't a guessing game, even when it comes to your pooch.
Tips For Dog Toys
Toys are fun both for our dogs and us. Lucky for us there are endless choices.
So, You've Decided To Kill Your Pet!
The other day I was doing a research online for an article I was writing and I came across an article, which the author started by saying: "Euthanasia, is often the hardest thing to do, yet the greatest act of kindness" Then he went on explaining the "grueling" suffering and the guilt the pet owner goes through before making the decision, how it affects the whole family, especially the kids. But then he explains euthanasia in the most loving way I've ever seen someone describe a murder.
Water Chemistry For The Discus Tank
Much has been written about the Discus, or Symphysodon aequifasciatus, its Latin name. The Discus has always been given a bad rap for being hard to raise and difficult to keep.
Potty Training Your Puppy
A new puppy is a joyous addition to any home. Who can resist that cute little bundle of lovable furry fun? Wouldn't it be great if puppies were potty trained and came into our homes without any mess or bother? OK, reality check here.
Herbs For Your Dog
Herbology, basically, is the use of herbs in the treatment of many types of illness. Herein the emphasis of treatment is based strongly on the specific use of herbal roots, flowers and leaves to stimulate the healing process.
Breeding Discus - 3 Ways to Encourage Spawning
So you have a mature pair of discus fish that have shown an interest in each other but there not laying any eggs.The most important factor in discus breeding in the water quality, make sure it is soft, acidic and clean.
Goldfish Tips - Keeping The Aquarium Clean
You do clean your house don't you? Well you have to clean your Goldfish's house too and it's a lot simpler! Cleaning and maintaining a goldfish tank is a must because this breed is really dirty. Even a teenager's room would be better than a goldfish tank that's left alone for a week! The Goldfish are descendants of the scavenger Carp fish and that makes them scavengers too.
Is Nail Trimming Time A Battle?
Does the idea of trimming your dog's nails send chills up your spine? After all, Giving poochie a bath - no problem. You might even be ok sticking a tooth brush in Lassie's mouth.
How to Choose a Dog for Children
Since having a dog is such a common thing, do you really need to know anything more than how much it costs?Well, how did you choose your car, or your home? Did you consider the cost, safety and suitability for your family? Of course you did. If you heard stories of a particular car that was susceptible to causing accidents or that a neighborhood was known for its rough occupants you would find something that was safer.
Vaccinating Our Pets
I'd like to talk to you about pet vaccinations. I cannot tell you legally what to do since I'm not licensed but I can share with you what I do with my own pets - or in had done!I actually believe several things happened to my own dogs due to the practice of overvaccinating.
Tank Requirements For Discus Fish
For Discus fish, there are 2 consideration in tanks - tank depth and volume. Because of their size and swimming habits, a minimum of 18" is needed for tank depth, the deeper the better.
Float a Horses Teeth -- What Does that Mean and Why is it Necessary?
So what does it mean to float a horse's teeth? I'm sure you've heard this a time or two (if you haven't, sooner or later you will from another horse owner or from your vet), and if you're like me, you imagined for the longest time what this could possibly mean and wondered what it involved.To float a horse's teeth certainly sounds funny, too.
Dog Vaccinations: Doing Shots
Vaccinations play an important part in the preventive healthcare of your pet. There are nasty doggie diseases out there, and for some of these, vaccination is your pooch's only real protection, as there may be no cure once the disease is contracted.
Dog Training -What You Should Keep In Mind When Playing With Your Dog
Dogs, especially young dogs are very playful by nature.Play provides them with the opportunity to exercise and also to form bonds with littermates.
Does Your Bichon Frise Eat His Own Poop?
Hi,I'm Janet CombsMy mother bred and raised Bichon Frises for 23 years. I have been a Bichon Frise breeder for 13 years.
Puppy Basics: Potty-Training, Reprimanding, and Rewards...
Potty Training Your Puppy:Make sure you feed your dog at regular times every day as this makes bathroom breaks regular as well. Feed your puppy 2-3 times a day.
Afraid To Buy A Horse At Public Auction?
Here are 5 things to do to put the odds of getting a good horse in your favor.Let me share a short story with you about public horse auctions and my friend Jack.
Is Pet Insurance Worth It?
Many pet owners often wonder if it's worth it to purchase pet insurance. The way I see it, there are two main considerations, your opinion when it comes to risk-taking and the expected health of your pet.
How To Find Your Lost Dog
The first thing to do when searching for a lost dog is to confirm that your dog is actually lost. Dogs, especially curious breeds, can easily find an interesting place in your backyard to investigate for quite some time.