
Pets Information

Wormy Dogs? - Understand Dog Worms Infestation and Their Symptoms

Until a very recent period, dog worms were thought to be of a spontaneous origin, brought about by the influence of heat upon decaying vegetable matter, and it was and still is freely asserted that puppies are born with dog worms inherited from the mother in some mysterious manner while still in uterus. This has been conclusively proven an error and in the minds of all scientists there is no question about dog worms springing from individual eggs and having a complete life history of their own.

Facts You Need To Know About Adopting A Dog

Mum, dad, can we get a puppy? Its a plea that may parents will know only too well. How do you go about adopting a dog to make suure that the dog is happy and there isn't too much upheaval in your home?If you are thinking of adding a dog to your family, consider adopting your new best friend from an animal shelter or humane society.

Caring for Your Dogs Teeth

A dog, like a human baby, experiences the world through his mouth, by tasting and chewing on things. But, he also uses his mouth is as his hands.

How To Keep Your Dog Safe in the 21st Century

For thousands of years, dogs have been "man's best friend." Dog-loving humans have tried to keep their pets safe in return.

Does Your Boston Terrier Want To Be With You?

This may come as a surprise..

How Do Your Customer View Your Pet Business?

There are thousands of local and online Pet Stores but most people only know about Petco and PetsMart. The reason these businesses have succeed is because of consistent advertising so the customer does not forget their name (brand).

Take that Junk out of your Trunk

Your local grocery store is chock full of food and treats that are stuffed with bad quality ingredients. It is a real shock that the shelves do not simply collapse under the weight of all that rubbish.

You Should Teach Your Puppy Proper Chewing Behavior

As much as you may love your cute, new puppy, if she chews on everything in sight--including you--she will not be cute to you for very long. Puppies that are left to their own devices can destroy a home quickly.

Does Your Dog Have An Irritating Jumping Habit?

Do you have a puppy that jumps on you, company and even your Grandma who has a walker? This can be a very irritating trait for your dog to develop. Unfortunately, it can make people dread coming to your home.

Love of Horses

My love of horses began at the age of 11 when I worked every summer at a ranch. My twin brother and I would walk about ten miles a day in circles taking children on pony rides.

Breeding Discus - 3 Ways to Encourage Spawning

So you have a mature pair of discus fish that have shown an interest in each other but there not laying any eggs.The most important factor in discus breeding in the water quality, make sure it is soft, acidic and clean.

Your Purrrfect Companion

Out of all the pet animals, the cat is most expressive about its needs. The feline loves to be pampered and cared for.

Defend Your Dog and Stop that Hurting Paw!

Of course, we humans use shoes to protect our feet. We insist on it! But dogs usually don't have that luxury, and routinely walk over ice, rock, grass, cement and soil on their bare paws.

Dealing with a Dog Food Allergy?

Just as humans allergies can show up as a sneeze or rash, your dog's allergies can manifest as itchiness -- or even ear infections. In fact, if your dog's allergic to his food, it can cause him to scratch himself constantly, even with no obvious parasite problem.

Whats the Real Deal on Pet Insurance?

Even if you haven't had a run-in involving your pet of late, pet insurance has probably crossed your mind. And if you have, the bill for any non-routine care may have cost you anywhere from a cool couple hundred to nearly a grand.

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Boxers Make Great Family Dogs
A breed of dog called a Boxer is very family-oriented and they always love to be around people. Treat them as family members.
Dogs - Mans Best Friend
Dogs have been known as man's best friend for decades. Owning a dog can be a positive, enjoyable experience for the entire family.
Small Dog Travel Guide
Advice!!!-Pet products that are useful, fun and enjoyable will make the pet and owner equally happy, thus taking the time to search for the right products are important.-Treats are a good way to relieve stress and fight boredom during long periods of sitting and waiting around inside a small dog carrier.
The Joy Of Having Puppies!
One of the greatest thrills for a little boy or girl is having new puppies in the home. Puppies, dogs and having a puppy bring a sense of well being and comfort to people of all ages, whether young or old.
Pet-Rabbit Information - What Is Domesticated Rabbits? How To Care For Your Pet-Rabbit?
Domesticated rabbits are one of the most popular pets, apart from dogs and cats. They look attractive, lovely, gentle, friendly and cute.
Training Your Dog to Sit
Training your dog to "sit" is probably the first thing you will train your puppy to do. I write puppy because you can start the training as soon as the puppy has settled in his new home.
Why Should We Get Kittens as Pets?
Kittens are and have always been adorable creatures. Of course, these youngsters are also playful, naughty and mischievous as well.
How To Care For your Pet Dog
He will be there by your side, as your loving companion - he will offer you protection if ever the need arises. Pet dog owners in turn must know how to look after their pet dog, and be responsible for it.
Our Pets Behavior
Behavior can be a huge iisue with our pets. If each dog and cat owner in the United States took the time to understand the root of their animals'behavioral issues, our animal shelters would be substantially less populated with strays.
Dog Safety: How to Keep Your Pups Safe From Loss or Theft
According to the American Humane Society, just 15% of dogs in shelters ever find their way home again. Thankfully, these loved pooches had identification, enabling shelter personnel to contact and return them to their owners.
The One Dog Trick That All Dogs Must Know - The Hand Shake Trick
The first dog trick that is generally taught a dog is to shake hands, and there are very few puppy and dog owners who do not teach their pets this simple trick.In most cases it is so easily accomplished that the amateur trainer does not know exactly how it was done, for if you take hold of a dog's paw and say "paw" or "shake" and repeat the performance often enough and at odd times, it will be the most natural thing for a dog to place his paw in your hand as soon as you extend it and he hears the word "paw," to which he has become accustomed.
Training Your Dog To Lay Down On Command
Training your dog to obey commands is an important part of pet ownership. When your dog is properly trained, it is much easier for you to communicate with him and this enhances your relationship.
5 Surefire Ways to Show Your Dog You're The Boss
You Must Be The Alpha DogFirst, let's take a look at what a "pack mentality" means. Dogs are born into packs - in the wild, packs are the essential social order.
Choose a Vet Who Cares About Your Pet!
Lots of folks are picky about their vet, and for good reason. You don't want some insensitive clod messing around with your precious pooch, especially if he or she is in a fragile state due to illness or injury.
Talk to the Animals? Yes! And Whats More, They Talk to Us!
Talk to the animals?Yes.And what's more, they talk to us!If you've ever shared your life with animals, you'll know that they understand most of what you say to them.
So, You've Decided To Kill Your Pet!
The other day I was doing a research online for an article I was writing and I came across an article, which the author started by saying: "Euthanasia, is often the hardest thing to do, yet the greatest act of kindness" Then he went on explaining the "grueling" suffering and the guilt the pet owner goes through before making the decision, how it affects the whole family, especially the kids. But then he explains euthanasia in the most loving way I've ever seen someone describe a murder.
What You Should Know About Dog Health Care
Our dogs are now, more than ever, a very important part of our families. We care for them as we care for ourselves.
Pet Identification Tags And The Internet
The greatest fear of most pet owners is that there is a chance the family pet will get lost, and not be returned. But many of these same pet owners fail to take the necessary precautions needed to safeguard their pets.
Living With a Pet Serval
Some sources seem to indicate that living with a serval is no more challenging than feeding your pet goldfish. At the other end of the extreme spectrum, many sanctuaries and animal rights activists paint servals and other exotic cats as unmanageable creatures that no ordinary mortal could hope to deal with successfully.
How To Choose A Professional Dog Trainer
1.) Versatility- A good dog trainer will use techniques and training styles which are compatible with your dog's temperament.