
Pets Information

What You Should Know About Your Dog And Frustration

Because your dog lives with humans, he's going to have to learn to deal with frustration sometimes, because you shouldn't let things always go his way if you're to be a responsible dog owner.Dogs that are strong-willed and confident are more likely to become frustrated when they can't have something, especially if to them they are the dominant one, and not their owner.

What You Should Know About Your Puppy And Play Biting

The main ways a puppy will play with another dog or puppy are chasing, wrestling, and biting.When your puppy eventually becomes separated from his littermates, he will most likely carry on his playful behavior with you and your family members.

Parrot Keeping

Parrots are becoming more popular as pets with each passing day. This is evidenced by the proliferation of Internet discussion lists which provide access to information regarding parrot care and behavior.

Dog Eye Problems - What To Watch Out For

Dog eye problems can occur at any time. You should pay close attention to your dog's eyes just as you would their teeth, so that you can catch any possible infections or injuries immediately and have them treated.

Decorative Bird Cages

Whether purely for looks or for a bird's home, bird cages can be attractive decorator touches. They can be used as wall hangings, plant holders, centerpieces, and more.

The Benefits of Large Birdcages

We've all heard the phrase, "Free as a bird." In the wild, birds are free, flying from tree to tree in effortless abandon.

Buying a Custom Bird Cage

Many of us dream of having a beautiful, exotic bird perched on our shoulder, accompanying us around town. At the end of the day, though, our feathered friend must return to its cage.

Choose an Acrylic Bird Cage

Congratulations. You've decided to buy a bird, and you even know what kind.

A Guide to Antique Bird Cages

It has been said that everything old is new again. So it is with bird cages.

Wooden Bird Cages

Gone are the days of boring bird cages. Today's bird cages are trendy.

A Guide to Bird Cages for Sale

As overwhelming as picking out a pet bird can be, picking a bird cage can be even more so. There are so many options available.

A Look at Discount Bird Cages

Buying a pet bird can be quite an investment. After spending money on your bird and its supplies, you might be looking to save a little on the cage.

A Guide to Bird Cage Covers

As much as you love the sound of your new little bird, you probably don't want to hear it at the crack of dawn. If your feathered friend's morning song is interrupting your sleep, you might want to buy a bird cage cover.

Bird Cage Stands

Like us, birds need variety in life. To be happy and healthy, they need socialization and exercise.

Beds for Smaller Dogs

All puppies are small dogs - some, however, won't be small for very long. You have to know how big your dog is going to be when it is fully grown before you can buy it a bed of its own, unless, that is, you don't mind buying your beloved canine friend a new bed every six months or so for several years.

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Tips For Dog Toys
Toys are fun both for our dogs and us. Lucky for us there are endless choices.
New Pet Tag Services Provide A Sense Of Security
The greatest benefits of ownership is knowing that your property will be there when you need it, but ownership of a pet requires a different type of security measure. Because, pets are living creatures with minds of their own, they have a tendency to want to explore new things, and this often encompasses wandering off and not knowing how to return to where they started.
4 Ways In Which You Can Show Your Dog How Much You Love Him
Do you have at least one framed photo of your dog somewhere in your house..
Dog Tricks: Understanding Your Dogs Capabilities Before You Teach Buddy New Tricks
The performing of dog tricks, while not a necessary part of a dog's education, is an accomplishment that offer dog owners and his friends a great deal of amusement and adds materially to the value of a dog.All dogs can be taught tricks, but some breeds have a special aptitude in that direction.
Westie Merchandise that Benefits your Dog
There are many places to find Westie merchandise, but before you make a purchase for yourself or your Westie, consider first a retailer or non-profit organization that uses sales of Westie merchandise to benefit the breed.WestieMed, Inc.
Chihuahua Training is Easy!
Chihuahua Training is Easy! You may be wondering if Chihuahua training is easy or hard. Well, from my experience it is very easy!  If you've already managed to raise a dog with behavioral problems (this is easy too!) you can correct them in a very natural way by following a few simple recommendations.
How To Setup A Freshwater Tropical Fish Tank
This is an 11 step guide to setting up a freshwater aquarium in your home. Equipment you will need: Aquarium Aquarium gravel Aquarium filter Replacement filter media Heater Other decorations (such as plants) Chemical test kits Fish food Aquarium vacuum Fish net Glass Scrubber 5-gallon bucket Pasta strainer STEP 1: Realize the responsibility involved.
First Aid for Felines - How to Keep Your Car Safe from Harm
Cats are known for their curious and adventurous nature. Curiosity doesn't always kill the cat, but can often cause injury.
West Highland White Terrier - How To Capture the Best Pictures of Your Westies
For most West Highland White Terrier owners, the dog is a beloved member of the family. Like your children, you will want to capture pictures of your Westies from the time they are puppies until they are old-timers.
A Horse Training Secret From The 1800s To Teach A Horse To Drive Without Lines!
Horse owners who are history buffs may recognize the name Jesse Beery. Beery was an enormously famous horse trainer from the 1800's and early 1900's.
How To Recognize A Respiratory Tract Ailment In Your Parrot
A respiratory tract ailment can be fatal to your parrot if left untreated. Find out how to recognize if your parrot is having problem with its breathing.
A Guide to Bird Cages for Sale
As overwhelming as picking out a pet bird can be, picking a bird cage can be even more so. There are so many options available.
Your Dog is a Social Animal - and Needs You!
Your dog is a social being, just like you! He/she loves walking in the park with you, playing ball or chase with you, and just being with you. Even when he/she's lying around the house or the backyard having a snooze, your dog is well aware of your presence, or absence, and appreciates every minute you spend with him/her.
Broken Trust
The large animal organizations and the public money.It is said that in America, anything the imagination can conjure up can be attained with persistence.
Tips & Guide To Looking For A Good Dog Trainer
Dog training is definitely not rocket science and is easier than you would expect particularly if you can get help from a good dog training book or guide. It's also certainly possible for almost any dog owners to train their dogs themselves provided they put in adequate amount of effort.
Crate Training Dogs: The Right Way and the Wrong Way - Part One
Part1: There is Actually a "Wrong" Way to Crate TrainCrate training dogs, (or crate training puppies) if approached correctly is by far one of the most effective tools you can use to form good dog behavior.The most subtle mistakes in crate training are sometimes the worst because they go undetected and are repeated over and over again which can make the whole experience of potty training dogs negative and frustrating.
Your Dogs Health Is At Risk!
Dogs should be living to age 20 or more. That's their natural lifespan.
Dog Rescue: Is it Right for You?
Ever had a hankering for a certain breed of dog? Not an obsession, mind you - not the sort of longing that would send you rushing to a breeder, thousand-dollar-bill in your sweaty palm - but just a gentle appreciation for the virtues of the Poodle, Pug or Pyrenean Mastiff?Let's say you have -- but you thought buying a purebred pup was a less-than-ideal use of your family's resources. If that's the case, it might be time to look up your local Dog Rescue organization! Dog Rescues are organized by breed, so prospective parents can sign up to be notified when new poodles or pugs come in.
Canine Infectious Hepatitis
What is Canine Infectious Hepatitis?The word hepatitis refers to an inflamation of the liver. First reported in 1947, Canine Infectious Hepatitis (CIH), is a caused by canine adenovirus.
Dog Clothes make Great Gifts
When it comes to the art of giving, a gift of clothes is fraught with peril. We all have stories to tell, and if you don't, you will.