
Pets Information

Health Concerns for Goldfish

Most of the diseases that threaten goldfish can be cured. But better still these diseases can be prevented.

How to Choose a Dog for Children

Since having a dog is such a common thing, do you really need to know anything more than how much it costs?Well, how did you choose your car, or your home? Did you consider the cost, safety and suitability for your family? Of course you did. If you heard stories of a particular car that was susceptible to causing accidents or that a neighborhood was known for its rough occupants you would find something that was safer.

Training Your Dog To Lay Down On Command

Training your dog to obey commands is an important part of pet ownership. When your dog is properly trained, it is much easier for you to communicate with him and this enhances your relationship.

Training Your Dog To Sit

A poorly trained dog is a nuisance and can even be a danger to himself and others. A properly trained dog, on the other had, is a wonderful and pleasant companion.

Loyal Companions Promote Longevity

Have you ever wondered what a dog thinks, or if he dreams? Canine companions, by far, are amazing creatures of habit. If you've ever adopted one, your life has been enriched by the spirited side of nature.

Are You Ready for a Boxer?

Are you ready for a Boxer?The answer is "no" if you are the type who mostly leave your dog on a chain. Boxers require much of your love, attention and companionship although they are easy to take care of.

Dog Boutiques - Perfect Pampering for Your Pooch!

Believe it or not boutiques for dogs are everywhere. Nowadays, pampering your dog is just as important as pampering yourself.

All Natural Dog Cookies - Because Your Dog's Health and Happiness is So Important

Traditionally, a doggie treat was just that, a treat that to be savored, which offered little or no health benefits. Chocolate is not a particularly healthy treat for dogs; in fact research has indicated that chocolate treats are even poisonous to dogs if fed in large quantities.

Attacking the Pit Bull Problem in Los Angeles-MuttShack Animal Rescue Launches Grassroots Campaign

Twenty-six percent of the dogs at the six Los Angeles Animal Services shelters are "Pit Bulls". American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and Staffordshire Bull are various names used to describe the breed and any mix thereof.

The Background and Use of Clicker Training For Dogs

Presently, and throughout the 1990s a phenomena swept through the dog-lover's community. It was called "Clicker Training," and was implemented to teach dogs (along with horses and cats) that certain behaviors would be awarded, while others were not.

History of Dogs? Or Maybe Wolves?

OriginDo you know that the adorable little puppy you bought home last week could possibly be a descendent of a wolf? It may well be true! In fact, many theorists believe that wolf is the direct ancestors of domestic dog. Nevertheless, there are just as many who argue that it seems impossible to have over 400 varieties of dogs descended from just one species.

Understanding Psychology Of Dog Training: Pack Behavior & Establishing Control

Dogs are descendent of wolves. To study the psychology of dog training and understand the pack hierarchal system of dogs, we must go back and examine their ancestor - wolves.

Dog Behavior Problems: Help! My Dog is a Nuisance When he Misbehaves!

How many times have I hear fellow dog owners say, "I hate it when he barks non stop? or he utterly embarrassed me when he mounts people's leg". Dog owners usually have no problems to fill in tons of their dog behavioral problems into the above statements.

Universal Principles For Successful Dog Training

Dog training is not rocket science and is not as difficult as you think. It is certainly possible for ANY dog owners to train their dogs themselves provided they put in adequate amount of effort.

Barking Problems: Train Your Dog To Stop Barking!

All dogs bark, it's their way to communicate a message. Dog barks for various reasons: to greet, to alert, out of boredom, to attract attention or when they are excited.

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Rules of Thumb for Saddle Fit
In compiling some information on achieving a proper fit to the horse when purchasing a saddle I came across several "Rules of Thumb" to bear in mind. There's a wealth of information available on the subject of saddle fitting, some of it contradictory.
Picking Up A Horses Hoof
The idea of picking up a horse's hooves can intimidate some owners since a well-placed horse kick would really hurt! Such caution is good, but in reality if you pick up a horse's hoof properly you provide him with no leverage or ability to kick you. This is a situation where a person's worst fears can cause him to imagine an incident that is highly unlikely to occur with careful handling.
What are Pug Puppies?
Pug puppies make wonderful pets. Pugs are very affectionate and loyal, and are happy to curl up at your feet.
What You Need To Know To Keep Your Dog Safe In Your Car
Man's Best Friend is a great companion around the home, but Rover will love joining you on road trips - short or long - as well. If you've tried taking your dog along in the car before and met with bad results, don't give up.
Pet Friendly Vacations - 10 Tips for Hassle-Free Travel with Your Pet
Pet friendly vacations and travel planning make sense -- after all, pets are family members too! In the United States alone, over 60 million households have one or more pets. Pet owners in 15 million of those households travel with their pet, and the majority stay in pet friendly lodging.
Practical Advice for Adopting a Dog
If you are thinking of adding a dog to your family, consider adopting your new best friend from an animal shelter or humane society. You'll not only get a good feeling from helping a homeless pet, you'll get an outstanding companion.
Small Dogs - Different Breeds, Different Personalities
Small dog breeds are great pets, but since their personalities are all different, it's a good idea to look at their individual characteristics to see if they fit with your lifestyle.Pomeranians:Pomeranians developed from a much larger dog breed and seem to have retained the mellow character.
Is Dog Obedience School for You?
Are you thinking about dog obedience school? Do you know what to expect out of it? Do you know what it costs or where to find a good school?If not, let me help take out some of the mystery of finding one to make sure you and your dog get the best experience you can.If you have searched the web in this topic, you probably found some sites that are basically search engines within search engines, no real information about dog obedience schools.
Goldfish Outdoors
How do you build a goldfish pond outdoors?The tools you will need are a shovel, pond liner and underlayment, a long enough rope, coping stones and decorations, plants, a pump (you will need a pump to run a filter, fountain, or waterfall and it will keep the water circulating and the plants healthy), a filter system and some cooperative friends or family members. Now you can get started.
Choose an Acrylic Bird Cage
Congratulations. You've decided to buy a bird, and you even know what kind.
Dog Breeds for Allergy Sufferers
Allergies to dogs can strike anyone at any age, yet with how attached most owners are to their dogs, they seem to chose living with their allergies rather then giving up their beloved pets.If you find yourself getting congested or suffering a runny nose, itchy nose, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, coughing, sore throat, skin rashes or hives, headaches, fatigue, difficulties breathing, or asthma symptoms when you're around dogs, then you probably have allergies.
The Basics of Dog Obedience Training for Your New Pet
Dog obedience training starts even before you get your puppy in your home. Instead, it starts originally with the person that you purchased the dog from.
New Puppies-The Cure For Insomnia-What You Can Do To Help You New Pupppy Adjust
Puppies have a natural instinct inside that causes them to whimper and whine when they are alone. It's because dogs are social creatures, much like humans.
Are Exotic Cats a Threat to Public Safety? Why Exotic Pets Are Not Dangerous
I would like to address some of the statements I have found on the web and in proposed ban bills portraying servals and other small wild felines as unpredictable and dangerous creatures. This is a clear case of "what you don't know you will fear.
Tips & Guide To Looking For A Good Dog Trainer
Dog training is definitely not rocket science and is easier than you would expect particularly if you can get help from a good dog training book or guide. It's also certainly possible for almost any dog owners to train their dogs themselves provided they put in adequate amount of effort.
Understanding Your Pets Chewing Issues
If you are beginning to feel like an endangered species surrounded by the chewed up remnants of your previous existence, fear not. First of all you are not alone.
Westie Puppies For Sale - 7 Important Questions To Ask Your West Highland Terrier Breeder
Let's say you've made up your mind on the breed you want, which is a cute westie puppies for sale. The next step to take is finding a responsible breeder.
How Do Your Customer View Your Pet Business?
There are thousands of local and online Pet Stores but most people only know about Petco and PetsMart. The reason these businesses have succeed is because of consistent advertising so the customer does not forget their name (brand).
7 Good Reasons for Playing With Your Cat
Playing reinforces the bond between you and your cat.Playing with your cat is the best possible way to build up a bond between the two of you.
The Different Breeds Of Dogs
The American Kennel Club recognizes 150 different dog breeds. There are seven different groups in which the dog can belong.