
Pets Information

Help Your Dog Become a Good Canine Citizen

Is your dog a gentleman or lady? If so, you may be able to get an award to prove it from the American Kennel Club (AKC) through its Canine Good Citizen Program.This certification program is for all dogs, whether purebred or mutt.

Why Does My Dog Have Bad Breath?

"Doggy breath" - that unpleasant odor emanating from the mouths of Rover and Boomer - can be a signal of serious health problems.A dog's mouth is his primary means of contact with the world around him.

Round Pen: The Great Equalizer

Although many horsemen and trainers extol the virtues of the round pen, many horse owners still overlook just how powerful such a pen can be in developing or maintaining a relationship with a horse. This is a shame because it is truly what I call the Great Equalizer in a horse-human relationship.

Positive Dog Training Methods

Dog training can provide a tremendous amount of satisfaction. Every dog should know at least the basics for living with people: come, sit, stay, don't jump up on people, and so on.

Dog Clicker Training

Dog clicker training is so much fun for both dogs and people that the training part just slips in! Dog clicker training gets the dog to figure out what you want, making it an enjoyable game.This wonderful, cruelty-free method is revolutionizing dog training!Have you tried it yet? It's quite easy to learn at a basic level, and once you and your dog get the habit, it can be used for many enjoyable tricks as well as for all the essentials of training.

Crate Training for Puppies and Dogs

Wondering how to begin crate training your puppy or dog, or even whether you should?Crate training gets a dog so used to being closed into a crate that he or she can safely be left in it for hours at a time, though only when necessary. The method has its pros and cons.

So You Want an American Pit Bull Terrier?

You've made up your mind, it's the American Pit Bull Terrier you want as your companion. Are you ready for this breed? Read this article and then decide if you want to go ahead with your decision.

Dog Obedience Training

Dog obedience training begins with the owner. There are several tips to keep in mind before starting any dog obedience training.

Correcting a Dog Behavior Problem - Jumping

The first thing to realize when you are training a dog is that he only does things that work. Therefore, when you are dealing with a dog behavior problem, the first thing you need to address is, "What is he getting out of it?"With jumping, your dog is trying to get some attention-any attention.

Your Dogs Health; Why Dog Breath is No Laughing Matter

Your dogs health is important to you. You show her how important by keeping her well fed and groomed, making sure she gets plenty of exercise and providing a collection of fun, safe toys for her entertainment.

Our Pets Behavior

Behavior can be a huge iisue with our pets. If each dog and cat owner in the United States took the time to understand the root of their animals'behavioral issues, our animal shelters would be substantially less populated with strays.

Canine Eclampsia, or Milk Fever In Dogs

Eclampsia, or milk fever, is an acute, life-threatening condition which attacks a brood bitch about 3 to 4 weeks after whelping puppies. It is more common in the small breeds of dogs that have had large litters.

How to Protect Your Dog and Family from Roundworms

Nearly every puppy in the world is born with roundworms. This is because the roundworm's larvae are transmitted from the mother to the puppy while it is still in the womb.

Dog Health Conditions and Terms You Should Know... Part 2

Cryptorchidism is peculiar to male dogs and a condition present at birth.The testicle/s, which developed in the abdomen, fail to descend into the scrotum.

Dog Health Conditions and Terms You Should Know...

Some Dogs like Boxers unfortunately, are prone to several potential health problems such as:- Skin allergy- Food allergy- Cancer- Hip dysphasia- Bloat- Heart ailments- Hypothyroidism- Fleas- WormsKnowing what they are will help you to better monitor your pet's health and to gather the pertinent information, in case of an illness, that would assist your veterinarian to administer the correct diagnosis and treatment. Below are some common afflictions of Boxers.

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You Cant Fool A Horse
By Jeffrey Rolocopyright 2004 AlphaHorseIn the dating world many men and women put their potential partners to a "dog test," whereby they introduce their date to their dog and see how the dog reacts to the stranger. If the dog reacts badly towards their date then a red flag is waved, whereas if the dog accepts the stranger instantly the opposite holds true.
The Fun of Do It Yourself Snake and other Reptile Cages
Are you nuts? You think banging your finger with a hammer is fun? No, I don't. But building your own snake and other reptile cages can be a fun and rewarding experience.
Different Dog Foods For Different Dog Ages
Dogs come in many assorted breeds, shapes, and sizes. They also have different nutritional requirements as they age.
Introduce Your Puppy To New Situations And Ensure Good Behaviour For The Rest Of Her Life
They may seem to be bold explorers - sniffing at and mouthing just about anything - but all dogs have an instinctive fear of anything unfamiliar to them. Fear causes stress on the body, which affects long-term health.
Dog Shock Collars: Teaching Your Dog Basic Obedience and Breaking Bad Habits
Dog Shock CollarsDog shock collars are a touchy subject among animal owners. While their goal is to train a dog to follow a set of rules, many people feel they can be cruel to animals.
Why Dont I Understand My Dog?
I have encountered folks who have complained to me about their numerous (dog) behavior problems. And interestingly enough, I usually discover that most of the behavioral problems are linked to a common factor.
A Cat Tale
My son and I have a cat. Her name is Princess, aka Sugar Bear or Bear.
Caring for an Older Cat - Cat Health and Cat Care
Cats are living longer lives thanks to dedicated care from their humans, and advances in veterinary medicine. Most experts consider a cat's "senior years" to begin on her 10th birthday.
Dog Crate Buyers Guide - How to Choose the Right Crate and Accessories
Why use a crate:When used properly and not abused, crates are the fastest and most humane method of housebreaking dogs. Dogs are den animals that will instinctively seek out a small, cozy place to rest for shelter and security.
The Truth About Declawing
There seems to be an alarming trend to have cats declawed..
Mommy, Can I Keep That Stray Dog?
How many times have you seen this situation where a child comes through the door with a dog in tow? It looks skinny and skittish and is in need of a good meal and a bath. The child is looking with big eyes imploring, pleading, and desperately wanting a yes.
Seeing Past Cuteness When Selecting the Best Dog Breed For You: Part 2 of 3
Are there so many great dog breeds out there that you just can't decide where to begin? If so, let's break it down and sort through all the options. In Part 2 of this 3 Part Series, we'll continue looking at the seven Groups of dogs that are acknowledged by the American Kennel Club.
Dog Obedience Training Basics
The most important things in dog training are consistency, keeping dog's attention and understanding your dog. To get the respect of your dog you must be consistent.
Preparing Your Home For a New Puppy
While excitement and anticipation will be at the top of the list when bringing home a new puppy for the first time, preparing for his arrival should rank highly on the list. Just as you would have to prepare a home when you have a toddler, pet owners also have to take certain precautions when "puppy-proofing.
PH Levels in The Discus Tank
Because it is imperative that discus fish have optimal water conditions, much has been written about this subject, This is the plan put in place to insure proper PH water levels in our hatchery.Allnut Enterprises' breeder, Nick Lockhart of Noblesville, Indiana, has many ingenious ideas as to how to accomplish things in the hatchery.
Mind Over Matter
Understanding where horses come from has been a long road for most equestrians. Using that new understanding can dramatically change how one handles, cares for, and trains or rides their horse.
Dogs and Old Age, How To Care For Your Aging Canine
Now that you're dog has shown you so much love and brought you so much joy throughout your many years together, it's time that you return the favor when the dog reaches his elder years. Caring for an older dog is much like caring for an elderly person.
A Short Introduction To Flowerhorn Cichlids
Flowerhorn Cichlids Flowerhorn cichlids is a hybrid cichlid that was developed in Malaysia during the second half of the 1990: s. It was created by crossbreeding different South American cichlids.
The Positve Benefits of Dog Day Care
Dog day care programs benefit the dogs of owner's who have busy lives and are not able to socialize and exercise their dogs. Owners benefit from a guilt free day of work or play and can come home to a calm, relaxed pet.
How to Make Your Cats Life, and YOUR Life, Happier - Training Your Cat
Imagine that you are scolding your cat for scratching at your new furniture, and Kitty is sitting staring at you. Suddenly you realize how silly you look and how futile your scolding is.